How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Thanks ladies. This afternoon i was just hungry, but i had my menu on the fridge door, all i had to do was make the side salad. This evening i got my syn treat, drinks and grapes if i needed them and put on something i recorded earlier.

On another note my tomato plants are looking good and loads of tomatoes but a slug has found the bottom leaves. Naughty slugs.
Thanks ladies. This afternoon i was just hungry, but i had my menu on the fridge door, all i had to do was make the side salad. This evening i got my syn treat, drinks and grapes if i needed them and put on something i recorded earlier.

On another note my tomato plants are looking good and loads of tomatoes but a slug has found the bottom leaves. Naughty slugs.
Stay strong, lovely!

I've been in a grazing mood today. I allowed myself a packet of Wotsits on the proviso that I burnt off at least 400 calories in the gym. I decided to work late and gym late to keep me out of harm's (food's) way! Filling myself up with lots of low cal squash.
Well i am having my syns but i just want to binge all the time. Spoke to mum, she called because she left some stuff here. She said "well you losr 2lbs this week, i gained 1lb." I'm not sure if she was saying it was ok or if she was being clever in making me say i didntt want to eat it to reenforce my resolve. Finished my mice and heart and started a new heart and the urge has gone.

How was the gym and your day in general?
Morning Fran hope you are well. well done for resisting the urge to munch. I am facing some challenges this weekend as we have guests down all weekend! Loads of naughtiness in the house along with alcohol! Wish me luck, as I will really need it xxx
my brother, his gf, my other brother and his gf and her sister, her bf and their two kids are all coming down so there will be temptation at mum's house. I think you need to make sure you are stocked up with easy to grab sw friendly bits, i love tikka chicken chunks, ham, pickles, fruit fruit and more fruit, new potatoes cooked in the fridge to i can sautee and have with a dip, or make into a potato salad. I dont drink so don't really have any boozy tips.

mum and dad are out for the day and mum asked me to let the dog out, I think he will be a bit lonely (they are out 7:30am-10:30pm) so we are going over at midday, take him out for a walk and bring him to mine, then take him home at about 5:30pm so I can get nate to bed at the normal time and the poor dog isn't on his own all day. Nana and grandad have a slide/swing/trampoline set that nate can play on when I go pick the dog up. It'll work in some nice body magic for the day. Dad didn't want to pick the dog up on the way home so that's why he isn't staying for longer.

Got through yesterday without binging so I am happy, now let's see if we can get through the weekend!
The gym was good - it's the work gym so it was empty when I got in there at 7.20pm on a Friday! My OH had travelled down to his parents' so I didn't feel I had to rush home for dinner. I've been trying to do some cardio zone training as I think my heartrate is nowhere near as good as it used to be. I'm seeing a big reduction in the time it takes me to slow it down, and an increase in how long it takes to speed up so it feels like progress!

I've also been trying to do a session on the crosstrainer in an attempt to give me a waist. I can do 20mins without stopping now!

I nearly went home at about 330calories burnt but I stuck to my promise that I'd burn off 400 if I had a packet of Wotsits! I tried to set the machine up for a target of 70cals but the minimum it would let me do was 100, so I worked off a bonus 30!

My day was busy but rewarding. I didn't get to lunch until 4! I've been working on delivering long-term projects lately so I've been quite hands off, but we were swamped with technical work yesterday and short of staff because of the long weekend. It was great to be constantly busy and actually doing stuff rather than trying to get contractors to understand me!
Wow! And I thought I had a houseful! I have got in loads of fruit, salad, and vegetables (can add a SW dip) to help when they are munching on crisps, etc. main meals are a little tougher as my mother in law is cooking some bits, hubby the others and I have been banned from making fry up for breakfast! I am sure I will be okay, not a very heavy drinker, so not too worried. Have a wonderful time and enjoy the trampoline!
Oh em that sounds great :) well done. In my paranoia i walked to the hardware store in town to make sure i had the right stuff for my shelves. I do. Dad said i needed a 9mm bit and i thought 7mm. I was right. I didnt want three shelves of books landing on my head. It is sunny so we went to tescos and had a picnic. Wm roll for my heb cooked chicken and ham and i got some srawberries but i think we will just head home to pick up the dog and give nate a nap. He has been a pain so no beach for him.

Anju it sounds like you have some good things in place. Hopefully your hubby will be sw aware. How about doing scrambled egggs for all?
Awww you will get back on it Fran is it hard. Why does life have to get in the way grrr

Ive said on my thread earlier im sure my C has a spycam, id been saying what a rubbish weekend ive had food wise and up pops her text arghhhh
I feel the same Fran. Once I'm back from my holiday I'm going to pull my socks up and stop messing around.

From your pics you've put up you look slim and 'normal' so maybe that's part of your wall? You have done amazingly well and have had so much change recently.
Aww, it is good she texts you though.

I am fed up of feeling this way. I thought I had turned things around last week. I thought I was back on track and able to ignore that rotten voice :(

(((hugs))) hunnie - it will pass. Dont go undoing everything you have worked for. My C still says there is no such thing as a plateau im not so sure hmmmmphh
Get your thyroid checked. Mum hit a plateau, even ff didnt work, turned out her thyroid had gone wonky. It is worth checking.

I dunno I just feel crap. Then I binge to punish myself I guess. I dunno. It is stupid and self destructive bit better than other self destructive **** I used to do. I just need to pull my head out of my arse and move on.

Thanks for saying I look slim and normal. Im still a 16 a 14 in some bits, but really a 16 . I was to get under 13 stone for Xmas, or at least be out of the obese category for Xmas. So I know what I want, intellectually I know what to do but emotionally it is just shitty.
Hey Fran. It seems like loads of people are having a bit of a tempting-sabotage week this week. Mine's partly my fault because I had a wonky weekend that's now calling to me to get off course. I used up my syns on a packet of Wotsits and a packet of Quavers that I didn't really need yesterday, but I just wanted something to pick at.

Thankfully I edged 1lb off this week, but I know the scales were showing 2 off on Saturday before I went out so that's a kick up the bum to knuckle down this week. I don't think anything I can say to you is going to help with the self-sabotage mood - you know what you want and you know what you need to do! You're a brilliant person, Fran. Mentally punch that niggling voice in the face!
Thanks guys :)

Em glad you got a loss even if it is less than it was mid-week.

My gain is less than expected. I got the new magazine, didn't stay for group as no way nate was going to play ball, I also had to walk home and go via mum and dad's to let the dog out and keep him company, get nate some lunch and down for a nap by 1pm, it wasn't going to happen with group ending at half eleven. So instead I took nate to the park, ran round with him, then had a look at the meal plan for the week, got some bits in town. I decided to walk home to see the dog before I gave nate a nap, it would mean extra body magic too as it is hot down here. I went a different way to normal because it would be less crowded my way, and there's a little table with books for £1. And there was a slimming world extra easy recipe book! I quickly payed for that bad boy! I'm going to really try to tell that stupid voice to f**** off for good.

Thankfully my group are lovely and there are some that really do understand binging and self destructive behaviour.

So today I've walked about 2 miles, played in the park and weeded the front and back garden. We have done some tidying and cleaning, some crafting with nate and puzzles.

Downside is the childminder doesn't have space for nate so I need to keep looking but mum has eased up on the pressure to find someone.