Nope. I had a weird thing 8 years ago that was like an infection but not and I was given a reliever inhaler but that was it. Ever since then i got/get a tight chest when i breathe in cold air.
Your back situation sounds truly awful. Lots of pain killers and relaxing for you.
Forgot to add freezing to my list. Had to get a hot water bottle! Poor natey touches me and says I'm cold. Roll on summer! To be fair after shedding nearly 6 stone I do feel the cold more but I feel cold inside if that makes sense.
Tomorrow will be a rare red day
B: full English minus beans (1)
L: Italian chicken soup. Mmmm
D: stuffed aubergine. I think I will use a hea of cheese on top.
Still got a hea and two hebs to play with

and plenty o' syns. It's Sunday though so I'll use one heb for my call the midwife sandwich!
Not sure about Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday is pancake day and I'd like to make some for Nate. Pretty sure I'll have syns left for some too. But what to have before that? Mum used to do delicious savoury ones so I'm wondering about a canneloni. I could make it a green day and use a heb for oaty pancakes. Monday will be porridge for breakfast but not sure about lunch or tea. I'll hopefully have some soup left for lunch but dinner!? I've got chicken, mince, bacon, sausage, pasta, rice, couscous, potatoes. Maybe risotto maybe nasi goreng or jambolya oh I've got white fish, salmon and prawns too. Lots of possibilities.
Oh and tomorrow I'll be testing out some special muffins. Time will tell if they are vile. They're not a sw recipe, but one that can fit. I'm adjusting the cup of sweetener to use a blend of sweetener and sugar. I think a cup of sweetener is way too much too!