How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Grrr I hate those weeks. The main thing is you always stay so focused and thats a good thing, lots dont and then wonder why they gain. I can take a gain if its deserved but its bloody hard to accept when its not deserved.

Your little man is lucky to have a mummy like you, clever and talented, I wish I could turn my hand to craft stuff but im not that way inclined x
He prefers it when he rides on his lion and I chase him with the dragon hopper. when he FINALLY woke up this afternoon I was chasing him to one end of the room, then he was chasing me to the other, and when I caught him I tickled him, he went nuts! he prefers that to blankets, haha. It's probably more for me. I will be getting him some little figures for his ship and a little chair with a desk attached so he doesn't keep trying to carry a table over when he wants to drawdraw. I've already got him a couple of books (little book worm!) And that's enough I think. If I have time I'll knit him the pirate jumper he likes too. I don't think I will though. It keeps me busy on an evening anyway.
Its a great hobby to have Fran, ive not done needlework etc since I was in school, I can stitch buttons on etc but thats about it lol.

My sister is the gifted one with crafts, she makes all her own cards etc, shes done cups, plates the list is endless lol
well what is lovely as there's another knitter in my flab club and she was asking what size Nate is, she's planning on knitting him something. hehe. I told her his birthday is in March and he's in aged 2-3 clothes. I'm becoming better at accepting things from people. They like to spoil him and it IS OK. I got 3 dresses last week so I must be better at it. although I had no choice in the matter haha. it's the not feeling guilty in accepting things from people I need to get better at.
They wouldnt offer if they didnt want you to have them chick, just smile and say thank you it will mean a lot to them too as they know its appreciated.

Its like getting used to accepting compliments, it gets easier doesnt it? lol well I think so.
Yep, I did. It was fab. 3 size 14 dresses! woop. 2 fit and look nice but I'd really want some spanx to save my wibble and the third is too tight on my flabby arms to wear just now.

Nate does seem to get everyone want to give him things. Some guests at my parent's B&B gave him £10 once! He's been given toys and books and clothes. Little charmer! And I don't mean by family or for his birthday/christmas, I mean just generally. He spent quite a while of today's meeting playing peek-a-boo with other people. Then started reading his book out loud when the consultant was talking to me. He was pretending to eat the stickers that were of food in his sticker book today. haha. (I do feed him!) And on the bus he recognised a couple that were on there last time we were on there and was pointing and waving to them. Then they were on it when we got on it to go home and he did the same thing and when we got off others were saying byebye to him and he waves and calls out "BYYYEE!" the kid thinks he is famous!

It is easier to accept compliments now. If I don't I get verily told off! Although sometimes it is "you look so much better now, you won't ever be like you were before *pulls face*" yeah, thanks, I am still the same person big and smaller, I haven't magically changed into a different person, and I still have the same amount to lose again, what are you going to say then about what I look like now?! I am still the same person you are now pulling a face about.

You can so tell I am PMSing!
I'm just reading your diary for some meal ideas and noticed your boy is the same age as mine! 17th march he will be two - time flies!

I also saw (i'm only on the first page) that you was taping Kirsty - I LOVE that show ;)

And without sounding a like a stalker.. i'm going to quietly creep back away now..
hey lego, *waves* I love it too. I've always done crafts since I was a kid. Mum used to buy me all sorts of sets (paper making, cross stitch, candle making, mosaic etc). I've just been stuffing and finishing up sewing up some squares. Sounds so dull I know! And we were always taken to the agricultural fayre where I grew up.

Aww, your boy is a week older than mine (24th of March) what's he called? Isn't it funny how they develop? No longer a baby!

Ooh, I don't think my meals are very exciting I'm afraid. I will sling up this week's meal plan (not to say it won't change!)

M&D Back

Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on toast (If I want to save my heb I will do sauteed new potatoes)
Cous cous salad/left overs
Roast Chicken Dinner

Full flabbers
Ham salad sandwich

Hunters chicken, jacket potato and veg
Extra Easy

Cheese omelette, onions and mushrooms
BURGERS, chips and coleslaw

Extra Easy
Eggs florentine
Left overs
HEB and HEA left
fruit and yorgurt
Roasted squash risotto OR quiche
Singapore beef Noodles
Oaty pancakes
Cheese and ham Sandwich and salad
Mustard lamb with swede mash
I'm just doing my meal plan now (should be sleeping.. will regret it in the morning but the quiet time is so irresistible!) so that's fantastic - thank you!!!

My little boy is called Gabriel, or Gabe as we call him! I love the name 'Nate' - so cute and original! I also have an Emily (7 next week eek!) and a Logan (was 8 at xmas) which is probably more information than you ever needed to know but I always feel bad to only admit to one child! We had the two together so they would always have each other but as I got older I wanted one more..

.. a bit like Twix's!!

I love papercrafting, my blog is Home is where my He{Art} is but it's a bit boring! Do you have any pics of your crafts? I love being nosey!

SO.. will we get to see you in your new dresses? And what the heck will you get Nate for his birthday - i'm stumped! Gabe's in to Toy Story but we still have the toys left from his brother.. bah!!

Laughing at 'Full flabbers'!! Thank god I read back a bit so know about the fruit loaf incident (haha) which also made me laugh because you mentioned the 'naughty poof' which I saw before reading the full post and thought you was calling it someone!
Haha, I know exactly what you mean. Nate slept until late with his nap so I kept him up later before bed which left such little quiet time.

Aww so you have quite the little brood! Happy birthday to Emily for next week! Lovely names. If I had called Nate after any angel it'd have been the fallen one. haha. Although with his blonde curls he would have suited the name Gabe. It's a proper name but still unusual so he isn't one of 5 with the same name in his class.

Oh, I'll have to look. I've never really gotten into paper crafts. I dunno if I've already popped up a couple of bits on here already. just stuffed my cushion today and I need to sew it up and that is finally done. The front is needle point. Mostly I've just knitted clothes for Nate. Spoiled boy. I need some anti-wibble device before I wear them out or take photos i'm afraid! haha. I'm constantly buying new clothes though so it isn't too surprising to hear I have new clothes. lol.

I have gotten Nate a couple of books (already bought and hidden), he's having this blanket I am making and I'm getting him a little chair that has a built in desk thing and some little happyland figures for a pirate ship my mum got him at the charity shop as it didn't have any figures with it and the ones for his noah's arc are too big. He's got a bunch of new clothes too, which I won't wrap because kids don't care about clothes! haha. He has LOADS of toys and everything else, so he doesn't really need much. could you not hide and re-wrap them? He'll be oblivious! haha.

Full flabbers is a full english but flabbers (slimming world) style.

Naughty poof is so that he is still in the same room as me, he can't be trusted to stay on a step and the corners have interesting things to play with...
back on the plannage today. filled in my food diary for yesterday too. Doesn't look so bad really. a lot of syns but not much other food at all. I think if it was calorie counting it'd be ok.

breakfast today was scrambled eggs on toast, a banana and some grapes. yum

I think I will use my hea on some milk, just need to sniff it and measure it. then have vast amounts of tea today.
ok so I had no tea. didn't use my hea at all, whoops. everything else was on plan. I even gave some of my dinner away because I was full enough.

The downside? I can SMELL chocolate and I have had some chocolate. BUT I NEEEEED MORE!!!! ARGH!!!! There needs to be a calorie free chocolate for these times :(

Been embroidering my padded squares with blanket stitch to keep me busy. BUT I can still smell chocolate and want to eat a bucket load!

Off to Exeter tomorrow. I need to get Nate's feet measured and pay in two cheques and snout around mothercare and that's it, woop, so I can not stress too much and just enjoy wandering round. Shopping is so my favourite kind of body magic!

Supposed to be hunters chicken for tea, but as we're out dad will be preparing it. I might just ask him to cut the chips and prepare the veg and if I can get the sauce done in the morning before we go then I can just bosh it in the oven when we get in...
I find that if I eat a little bit of chocolate, I want loads more! I had a chocolate wafer thing tonight and could have gone back to the fridge ten more times, but I know that if I wait just half an hour longer, the cravings go and i'm back on track! Have you been eating things with a lot of aspartame in such as diet drinks and well, duh, sweetener in tea etc? Aspartame makes you crave sweet.

Have fun shopping - i'm jealous - I want to shop too!! My trousers are getting a bit loose.. is that a good enough excuse to go on a huge blowout?!

I wish I had the talent to knit clothes and make blankets! I just started knitting recentely and it triggered off arthritis in my thumbs so that was a no go! I'd love to make a gorgeous quilt but I'm a hazard near sewing machines..

I love your present ideas - they're about love and care rather than money. Not many parents about like this any more! Gabe already has his brothers toys so I can't wrap them (or can I mwahhaah!!) but i'm thinking of just going out for the day and spending some time together having fun. I hate presents for presents sake - it's silly!

And with that, I shall stop wittering on about me on your diary - it's embarassing LOL
oh witter away hun!

A man I spoke to yesterday (yes random people have conversations with me) told me his granddaughter asked for a picnic when she was asked what she wanted for her birthday - how cute? You can totally hide and re-wrap them. I often hide away nate's toys he has stopped playing with, when I bring them back out a month later he loves them so much again!

The chocolate thing is down to my cycle i'm afraid. Just need to wait out a few days and try to to kill anyone. It's only every other month I go crazy thankfully!

Sorry to hear about your arthritis. that must be awful. :( I'm just hand sewing these because the squares are 9cm x 9cm then blanket stitch them the use the blanket stitch as a starting point to crochet outwards.

Nate is too young to ask for what he wants, thankfully, well, beyond juice, ham, banana etc. To be honest making stuff is more expensive that buying stuff usually, but it keeps me busy and I enjoy it so it is win for me and for him :)
Did you get over your chocolate cravings?! I'm the same, if I don't have chocolate I'm cool, but if I have some it's like hmmm, where can I get my next hit from?! Was never really a fan before slimming but now I'm a sweet treat fiend. I've got some milka bunnies at 5 syns and mini malteaser bunnies for 3 syns but I just don't know if I should open before the weekend...

Hope you have a good day out and about! Xx
Aww thanks hun. I hunted out those mini bunnies after reading about them on your thread. I usually use my syns on chocolate. I don't like sauces really, and I hate using a couple of syns here and there, I rather have one big hit. Normally I am fine, but every other month aunt flo makes my hormones go into overdrive.

Nate slept until 8am today and then wanted cuddles. Must kick him off me and get ready!
Hi, your diary is very good & funny - it certainly kept me entertained :)

Just wondered if you could tell me what sauce you use for your hunters chicken.

Thanks in advance.
