hey texty, I'm ok, Nate's better but he has no appetite

I might bust out the OJ tomorrow because he hasn't pooped in a couple of days either.
Marshmallows are awesome, but they're for his birthday so he will just have to wait until Sunday. I might do chocolate cupcakes with a marshmallow on top. I figure it'll be easier to work out syns that way and it won't dry out.
Hunger was fine I just distracted myself. Decided I didn't want my planned dinner. ended up having garlicy mushrooms (button mushrooms, onion, garlic, spring onion, water and fat free fromage frais), sw chips, and 1/4 of a frittata (in a small frying pan, boo to the small plate enforcement) made up with cherry tomatoes, garlic, onion, courgette, mushroom, peppers, chicken and egg. SO yummy I'd have happily eaten the whole thing! but I can now ward off any vampires. I stink. mmm.
Nate's eyes are miles better and he laughs at his eye-snot on the cotton wool as I say "blurgh! look at your eye snot!"
Just need to finish off his blanket. I am almost done. Then I need to put his chair together while I have some peace and quiet. Catching up on loads of recorded stuff too. hurrah. My life is so exciting

This is after I have caught up with everyone on here.