How's the headache now? Might be something in the air with all the rain or just the usual detox headache if you've had a lot of carbs last few days.
Well i'm almost done for 4 days yay. Today, after i wake up, we're going to see my sis so she can give Ella her bday pressie then Sun we're going to a christening and then to friends in the afternoon then Mon we're taking Ella to Thomas land and Tues it's Ella's 3rd birthday and we're going up to inlaws to celebrate wow i'm out of breath just thinking about it all.
Bookworm i'm so very glad you got through 100% and YAYYYYY for the 1lb gone, amazing how fast it goes isnt it. Perhaps you did need the little meltdown on wed, sometimes it's what we need to kick us up the bum and make us realise why we're doing this.
Well ladies i hope you have a fabulous weekend, may get wed night before i'm back online and i shall be able to update with 3rd weeks weight loss eek how exciting
Well i'm almost done for 4 days yay. Today, after i wake up, we're going to see my sis so she can give Ella her bday pressie then Sun we're going to a christening and then to friends in the afternoon then Mon we're taking Ella to Thomas land and Tues it's Ella's 3rd birthday and we're going up to inlaws to celebrate wow i'm out of breath just thinking about it all.
Bookworm i'm so very glad you got through 100% and YAYYYYY for the 1lb gone, amazing how fast it goes isnt it. Perhaps you did need the little meltdown on wed, sometimes it's what we need to kick us up the bum and make us realise why we're doing this.
Well ladies i hope you have a fabulous weekend, may get wed night before i'm back online and i shall be able to update with 3rd weeks weight loss eek how exciting