I am back and so so so happy!

its been hot - stinking headache here - nothing to do with watching trampolining for 2 hours followed by 2 hours of karate (doing!). Visitors left today so looking forward to an early night and catching up with some ZZZs
twit twooooo bookworm you look amazing that's a just WOW difference you look fabulous well done for all that amazing hard work!!!!!!! So glad those scales are moving 3 lbs is brilliant when you're so close to goal eek i'm so excited for you oh wow size 14 so jealous but you soooooo deserve it hehe. What does ur man think of you almost being half the woman you were before?????
Hi Nina - good to see you back. How were all your trips/visits etc and the little ones birthday :)Still got my headache this morning - might just give in have a big drink of water and lie down for an hour to get rid of it!
struggling today ;-( - not in cheating way,just bleugh - tired, fed up, headachey (not enough water but don't want any!!) want some flavour, got to make the kids a packed tea - including wraps - yummy,. Took some 3st 5lbs down photos and still look like the back end of a horse. Neded to do some work - but don't want too......
Thanks Nina :) And I'm happy to see you again on here too :D How was your little one's birthday? Did you have lots of family fun?

Oh Bessie, I know exactly how you feel. It is so hard when we feel like this to keep on dieting. Could you be coming up with something? Or could it the sudden heat? I hope it goes away quickly. This diet is hard enough without having to feel cr*p :(
And as for the picture, again, I can empathise. I had the same feeling the same time right before quitting. I just couldn't see much of a difference. But what kept me going this time are clothes. Yours must be getting baggy too! Do you have a thinspiration dress or item of clothing?

I'm sending you big virtual hugs. We're all behind you!
twit twooooo bookworm you look amazing that's a just WOW difference you look fabulous well done for all that amazing hard work!!!!!!! So glad those scales are moving 3 lbs is brilliant when you're so close to goal eek i'm so excited for you oh wow size 14 so jealous but you soooooo deserve it hehe. What does ur man think of you almost being half the woman you were before?????

My husband loves the new me. Not so much because I'm thinner but because I'm so much more confident! I dress nicely, wear skirts and dresses and he likes that apparently :) And he's happy to see me happy too :) (not so happy when I'm PMSing though, lol)
Hi Nina - good to see you back. How were all your trips/visits etc and the little ones birthday :)Still got my headache this morning - might just give in have a big drink of water and lie down for an hour to get rid of it!
Hi Bessie, ellas birthday treats were great and I didn't have any carbs, she loved Thomas land and then got spoilt rotten on her actual birthday. Today she's gone over to Anglesey to spend the weekend on a mini hol with my mum n dad so she was well excited hehe :)
Hey Bessie, hunny, how are you feeling today? Please do let us know, we're here to help.

Nina, Ella seems to have had a great time! And well done you for being so good! I really don't know how you all do it... I always treat myself at birthdays...which is probably why it took me so long to get out of this plateau I had :eek:

This morning quick look at the scales sees me at 13st2lbs so 1lb loss since my official WI on Tuesday not bad at all, I'm very happy and I'm hoping for another lb before Tuesday. My weightloss is really slowing down now, but I can see the effect much more easily. I'm now in love with charity shop shopping and have added 2 Laura Ashley tops and a gorgeous dress from Hobbs and one from Pepperberri for the grand total of £15. All this because I can shop in smaller sizes...
Amazing just amazing :) oh and regarding food I don't have problems when it comes to buffet food, can take it or leave it is takeaways I struggle to resist. Well done for another lb off I'm not surprised it's slowing down, you're not far from goal now hehe xx
HI Girls

I'm OK - just in that fed up stage with it at the moment -you know seems like been on it forever but not really showing as shrinking yet - but will get there. Shouldn't really be fed up - hit the 3 1/2 stone off on the scales this morning - I just want results quicker than quick! Got visitors from overseas next week so trying to plan yummy delicious meals for them as well - which doesn't help!

Bookworm - another lb fab - glad that pesky plateau is over!

Nina - glad Ella enjoyed herself - I love anglesey - lived there for 3 and a bit years!

Took my littlies to their first trampolining competition (club one) today and in different age groups one got silver and one got gold - even the diddy one did well - if a bit overwhelmed. So proud of them all ;-)

Right off to plan these meals then.....
Nina, I struggle with takeaways too. So I found a solution: we only order chinese and like that I can have the mushroom omelette :) I have it as my Step 2 meal, on a bed of lettuce and I don't even envy my husband's food :)

Bessie: proud mummy moment, and so you should be :D And what patience you have to take them everywhere. I suppose it's something I'll to face when it's my turn... And I know 100% what you mean about how you're feeling regarding the diet. It's ever so boring when the weight doesn't come off as quickly as it usually do. So we get frustrated without this daily thrill... Plus if you're mid-stone, it makes matters even worse because the next stone down looks so far down that you think you'll never reach it :( Do you want to stick to SS or would you consider doing SS+ to break the cycle?

Well, I weighed again this morning and I lost another lb! But I didn't have my meal last night, so really, this lb is a bit out of the ordinary! I have lost 2lbs since my last WI and I only need one more to celebrate 100lbs lost... I hope I can reach that by Tuesday morning (my official weekly WI). But it's in only 2 days and I may not be able to. In any case, if everything goes smoothly, I'll reach this goal before the end of the month and could even be well into the 12stones :D I still can't believe it.
100lbs - wow I can't wait to celebrate that with you ;-)

And yes when its your turn you too will end up turning into taxi driver, bank roll, cheerleader etc and love every minute of it ;-). However had I known how sporty mine were going to turn out we wouldn't have moved to the middle of nowhere!!

I daren't do SS+ because i really struggle with eating food - just don't trust myself to unless I have to - Its end of week 9 this week ( tuesday) so 3 more to go until I have to step up for a week - thats going to fly by.

menus all planned, shopping all done just got to bake some scones now and then start the huge tidy up. Another lb gone this morning (well midday just before I ate anything for the day) so thats me into the 15s ;-), won't officially count it just in case it tips back over before my weigh in on Tuesday!!
Oooh loving all the positivity here, Bessie super proud mummy moment there well done :) well my lol monkey came home a day early due to bad weather so kind of spoiled our evening plans but hey ho got weighed and I'm another 5 lbs down that's 18 in 3wks hehe

Bookworm workbook for 100 mark being so close I'm 11lbs off that huge monumental moment. Are you treating yourself when you reach it?
Sorry to hijack your thread with my pics but thought you'd like to see Ella on her birthday, i've included a pic of how she looked when she was first born too :)


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Bessie, I think it's brilliant your kids are the sporty type. Not only is it good for their health but it's character building too. Sporty pupils are often the most confident of the bunch (not always, but often). I wish my parents had encouraged me to take up some physical activities when I was a child. But I won't expend as I could write a novel about it.

You seem a bit better, Bessie, no? You look very focused in your last post. Regarding the SS+, I perfectly understand what you mean. Do you have to do the SS+ week every 12 weeks?

And well done on being in the 15s (albeit unofficially)! I do the same, I weigh every day but don't update anything on here (signature and stats) outside of my official WI day (Tuesdays too :D ).

Nina, Ella is just sooooooooo adorable! I would love love love to have a blond child, and the angel's curls would be a bonus :D I have always dreamt of being a blond and now will just have to hope my child is :D My husband is your typical tall, blond with blue eyes, so maybe I'll get a little blond beauty one day too :D And is that a ride she is on in the 3rd pic? She doesn't seem scared at all! She's more courageous than me, lol. I really can't do rides AT ALL, even the family friendly ones :eek: And don't feel like you're highjacking, you're not at all! It's not just my thread. In fact it'd be pointless if I was the only one writing on it ;)

Poor little mite in the first picture. Seeing her with all these tubes must have been so difficult :( What happened to her at birth? Or is it normal for babies to be hooked up on tubes? I have no clue, I don't know anything about babies :eek:

And look at you losing like that!!!! These 11lbs will be lost in no time I'm sure!

I weighed this morning and I haven't lost a gramme. But I can't lose every day! I'm just 0.4lb away from being 13st, maybe tomorrow! I know it sounds like nothing but we all know that if the body doesn't want to move, I could run a marathon and I'd still weigh the same :D I'm not too bothered as I know that if everything goes well I'll be in the 12s before I go to France (what worries me, though, is remaining in the 12st while I'm in France... 2 weeks...)

When I reach 100lbs lost, hubby and I will probably go to the cinema. Not much but we're trying to repay his student loan early so money is a bit tight. We'll probably go see World War Z: now if Brad Pitt isn't reward enough, I don't know what would be :D And the good point of going to the cinema is that I can get a huge Coke Zero and drink that throughout the film and it feels like a right treat :D

OK, plan for today is to continue scraping the paint off in the lounge. It wasn't planned at all but it needs to be done. Instead of feeling down about it, we decided to take it in our stride and turn it into a positive: instead of redecorating the upstairs, we'll start with the downstairs :) Plus it means I can get rid of the previous owners' horrible yellowed and dirty magnolia (they smoked...) and I'll apply a nice fresh coat of paint :)

Have a good day :)
yes - looks like its going to be a good week for us all. Although tomorrow is my official weigh in saw my CDC this morning and definitely 15 .13 :). Bookworm on SS you have to step up to step 2 (810) for at least a week after every 12 weeks. Part of me can't wait - part of me dreading it! Will have to think of real food for me!

Both of you so close to 100lbs and today was my 50lbs - behind the drag curve !!

Nina - Ella is gorgeous and those curls. She looks like she had a really tough start poor little mite - details?? All mine were early - 37 weeks, 34.4 weeks and 36 weeks, and big with it. I don't do pregnancys at all well - hospitalised with all of them, medivaced back from overseas with the middle one and on a drip from 6 weeks with the last - but hey ho - its worth it. Middle one had to be resuscitated and then spent a week in SCBU, but all fighting fit now.

Bookworm - don't worry - I knew nothing about any of it either - soon learn though!!!

Right off to make the bed up and then drive to heathrow to collect my visitors.

Heres my horrors!


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Well done on the 50lbs off Bessie :D Don't minimise your huge achievement! Do you know many people who could lose 50lbs and still keep going strong? I don't know that many... So I think you deserve a round of applause :D :clap:

Oh my ladies, your children are so beautiful! It makes me wonder when I'll be able to have one of my own... Feeling rather despondent about this at the moment so I try not to think about it... I have huge feelings of resentment building up inside me and I'm afraid it is now too late for us... Add to this my PCOS... Anyway, I'd rather not think about that as it brings on my anxiety with a vengeance.

We're back to October weather here... Why, oh why, can't we have some sun and warmth? Just a few days here and there, we're not too demanding, are we? Just enough sun so we can get our fill of Vit D and happy thoughts...

PS: Bessie, they look like little angels too me :)
Evening or rather morning ladies. Bessie super duper well done for 50lbs that's a phenomenal amount :) Your kiddy winkles are beautiful and book worm is right they look like angels, i'm sure they have their moments though haha.

Bookworm i'm sorry you're feeling despondent :( PCOS doesnt mean no kiddos, i got told i'd never conceive naturally and well i did haha.

As for Ella well Ella has caused us a LOT of heartache in the last 3 yrs. Pregnancy was very very wanted, took us almost 18 months to conceive her but was horrendous throughout i had hobbirle pelvic girdle pain and was on crutches from 5 months and off sick from 7 months, got told i was carrying a HUGE baby and at 34week check up was booked in for a growth scan at 36 weeks coz they were beginning to think i'd need inducing as she was measuring 42 weeks at 34 but then i woke at 4am on my 35th week with waters spontaneously popping and they didnt stop gushing (no i'm not over exagerating) until she was born 7hrs later. She was 3lbs 40z born and got rushed straight to intensive care, we didnt even get to have the normal skin to skin or a cuddle first then i got whisked into theatre as my placenta got stuck so needed general anaesthetic to remove it and the next i knew was waking up to my family all around me then a doc came, shooed my mum dad and sis out, i cant even recall him closing the curtains and we were in a bay too and he told hubby and i that Ella needed to go to a specialist hospital for major surgery. Told us they suspected she had a Tracheosophageal fistula and oesophageal atresia, basically her food pipe wasnt connected to her stomach but to her windpipe instead.

So Ella got whisked to Manchester neonatal unit prob about 8pm ish and i got transferred over 4am the following morning but as it was a aweekend they dont operate unless its an emergency so we just had to look at her through incubator windows. Met surgeon (AMAZING MAN) on the monday morning, he came to my room in the hospital, and he told us exactly what they planned on doing and what could happen if it didnt go to plan and gave me day relase from the hospital so we werent hanging round waiting, told us to go to local shopping centre to get her some prem baby clothes haha so we did. She spent 9 weeks in the neonatal hospital between Wigan and Manchester and had 4 operations ( 1 major and 3 minor), came home for 10 days and got re-admitted needing another minor op to re-open her foodpipe as it's a tendancy to close or go tight as the muscle was never properly formed. Then at 4 months old she got bronchiolitis and ended up back in hospital, couldnt tolerate foods atall kept getting pneumonia as whenerver she swallowed it ended up on her lungs so we asked for further tests and it showed the join between her food pipe and windpipe had reconnected. That then resulted in her being fed by a tube in her stomach til she was 10 months and basically big enough for more major surgery and then at 10 months they opened her op again and fixed it. That was big turning point for us, she's had a few minor ops since but is now totally orally fed and well as you can see growing up brilliantly.

and yes that was a rollercoaster Ella was on with us, 4 times she asked to go on it the little adrenaline junkie she is haha!!!!
Oh Nina, I had tears in my eyes reading everything Ella had to go through. What a little trooper your daughter is, and you and her dad as well. You wouldn't think looking at her now that she was critically ill not that long ago :) A love for adrenaline is a testament to it, hehe :D So a 3 year old has more guts than me and can actually go on a roller coaster... When I say that to my husband, I'll get laghed at, for sure :D

It's not so much the possible infertility that makes me feel sad. I'm just worried that now, at 30, we're nowhere near having our first child. I won't bore you with the details but I'm just worried we left it too late because we've always been waiting for the perfect time...

Anyway, enough self pity... Please see post below :D