I am back - and struggling, does anyone count calories?

Are you diabetic too hun? I'm sorry I didn't know! :wave_cry:
Me.. yep! Diagnosed New Years Eve... made for a strange evening!! But I'd been very poorly for 2 years so it was good to find out what I was fighting!!
Yes I'd heard Atkins is good for diabetics.
wow thats great x
:) That's impressive going hun!
My cousin's wife in Glasgow is a nurse and developed type II diabetes about five years ago. She was advised to try Atkins recently as she is overweight, as well.

It's the only thing that seems to get her blood sugars down, she told me. But she finds it hard to stick to. We Scots love sweet things!

The official Atkins site recognises that some people may need to limit calories too, particularly women. They advise around 1500-1800 cals daily for average height females. No less! Some never need to count calories but others have to face up to the fact that they just don't metabolise food the way others seem to.

As with everything else, it is an individual thing. If I personally try to stick to 1500 cals and include high carb foods I will end up hungry. This much I know about myself!

Good luck hun whatever you decide to do.
Hi everyone

Not been on for ages. I am really struggling. Am struggling to loose and this leads to me binging. My binges are always sugar. I have been thinking long and hard this morning about a change in diet. I thought going onto OWL but quite honestly I loose weight so slowly on induction I can't see this will help. I am thinking about still doing atkins but watching my caloroes cos I think I eat too. No I know i do. Breakfast for me is usually 2 sausage, 4 or 5 bacon, 3 eggs 1 cup of mushrooms. I have just worked out the calories in all that - its nearly 1200 calories!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That doesn't include teh opil which is 124 calories per tablespoon which beleive me is hardly any. I know other people have worked calories out before and have said they only have 1200 but I can't see how thats possible when you consider the oil we cook with etc.

Any and all advice greatfully received as always:confused:


But you have lost 42 lbs Em, that is a huge amount love.
I know Jim but only 9lbs since christmas in fact with my recent blips only 4. I thinks its my own fault for not going onto OWL sooner. I have just got bored. This is day 3 on my new diet though and I feel fab. Got all my enthusiasm back. I am sticking very much to Atkins principals of low carbs. I am having some complex carbs but still a lot less carbs than myfitness pal says I should have in a day. Have also started some excercise even manged a 20 min jog on wii fit thsi morning. Will still hang around cos you lot are so much nicer than the Rosemary Conley board I have been on.

Will still hang around cos you lot are so much nicer than the Rosemary Conley board I have been on
:D :D :D
well I like the sound of you hanging around here love. :)
Atkins is great for everyone especially diabetics. Stay with us hun, we are the best board........EVER!