Low and behold I am back yet again.

Hi peeps,
Took my sister to the oncologist today as she had finished her 1st round of Chemo. On the initial appointment the Oncologist had advised no treatment as sister has enlarged heart and he was worried the chemo will damage the heart further and probably kill her. My sister said no she was determined to try and kick this cancer in the butt. Well to cut a long story short the Oncologist was amazed and has told her that she is in remission :0icanfly:xxxx
Hi Dolly
Great to see you back, I am so utterly determined to do this this time. I have even bought a 1950's style coat that has a long way to go to fit me, there is a 4 inch gap to close the coat :eek: but it will fit one day LOL. Any time you want to rant, chat, moan cry, I am here for that and will support as much as I can. I am so chuffed about my sister it really was not what we expected to hear but I am so proud of her for doing the chemo. Mum is definitely looking after her xx
Debbie great news about your sister
:) It is good news and thanks everybody, well weigh in time tomorrow and it looks like it may be 3lb so can't complain. Will update properly tomorrow afternoon when I get up. Dolly how are you getting on hun. xx
I'm doing okay, still on and off with the dieting but whats new there.

I just need to get a few days under my belt then I will be good to go.

I've got a cupboard full of Exante stuff so don't need to buy anything for a while which will also help save me money!