I am back but hopefully not for long !


Full Member
The short story ..... I started Lipotrim on 5th August last year and 82 days later I finished with a weight loss of 5 stone.

I have crept up a stone and a half since then (Oct 11) so I am back to lose that again. I am hoping I can do it in 2 months. Should be less but if it is , thats a bonus.

I got and gave a lot of support when I was on here the last time. I went through the cravings, the poo and bad breath things so if you want any suppport or advice please ask away. I am gonna need support as well because I am told the 2nd time around is the hardest.

Anyway .... My name is Mark as you can tell ..... Good luck to everyone. :wave_cry:
Welcome back Mark, best of luck and stay strong - you've done it once, which shows that you can do it again! We're rooting for you!
Hey Mark, welcome back. I'm a returner and with positive thoughts it can be a doddle ;) you know the results are good and you know how you will feel. Good luck mate :D
Thank You, you two .... good luck to you as well ..
Welcome Mark! just look at it this way, you have much less to lose this time and you only have to be on it for a short time, it should fly by and im sure you will get right back into it, you can do it you know you can, and we are all here for support!
Welcome back hun! Keep up the good work and it'll fall off again in no time. I'm with you as a gainer and a restarter tomorrow xxx
Cheers Kay - I am feeling a bit guilty about the past few weeks but ready to start again... again!! xx
Thanks for the messages of support, funny how the "feel guilty" theme seems to be quite universal with those of us who are returners. I read somewhere that less than 10% of people who lose a lot of weight manage to keep it off, so it is bloody hard to try and make yourself one of that 10%. I still tell myself I was 18 stone a year ago, I was 13 stone when I finished last October and today I am 14 and a half and heading down in the right direction. ... The thing is I have changed my eating habits, I go to the gym 5 nights a week, I dont eat the things I shouldnt ... except ..... and I have learned my lesson..... The bloody treats inbetween meals, thats where I went wrong, a bag of crisps, a bar of chocolate, etc . You think it wont matter. That is where I have messed up and a lesson I have learned.
How's it going Mark? Two days in - does it feel harder, this being your second time round?? :)