Quick update: ended up having egg white omelet with spinach leaves - gosh I'm original! Bought some low carb oatmeal, should have totally brought my exante oatmeal, just so stupid of me!
I skipped lunch as I'm heading out to RL for fitting - I'll grab something after. I always bloat so much after a meal, plus having come off exante, it means whatever I eat creates discomfort. I want to be in my right mind when I choose to drop those serious $$$$$, not "oh my god where's the nearest bathroom!"
After, promise not even the slightest window shopping
The showing is at 6pm - Zama, a little social hour, then I'm spending the evening with one of my favorite client friend and I don't know what he has in store, but it's always very interesting! he just texted to dress warm... so "mysterious"!
Anyway, it seems like the forum is sooo quiet, is everyone sleeping?
I went on your diary SC, so it's a couple of fasting days is it? Good luck then - Honestly, fasting is merely a stepping stone from a vlcd in my book! My grandmother made us fact 2x a year - always at inconvenient times (well to me they seemed inconvenient). She always said it helped to give the digestive tract a little time out when it had been fatigued and overworked. Mind you, it's been awhile that I've done one.
Enjoy your evening everyone!