I am so NOT leaving restarting till 8 January 2007 - 28 December it is!!!

Well it's been an up and down week - not been 100% everyday but trying, always trying and at the moment I seem to be veering towards damage limitation - have lost 3lbs since Monday so not bad......

damage limitation is good...not perfect... but a darn sight better than being a total glutt! ;)

Anyway, yesterday was a good day. Went shopping and got the boys their Xmas pressies - portable DVD players from Tesco.....bargain.....£64.50 each including carry case, plugs, wires etc plus you got 999 points on your card - which technically means a tenner off.....result!!

WOW... what a good idea... perhaps I should get one for my Sarah... she would LOVE that!!! (plus tesco points is mega- cool!)... good bargain hunter you!! missus!!

My friend popped round in the afternoon for a girly goss....she's been my best friend for almost 25 years but earlier this year we were really not communicating and things were really bad.....between me and you and I think she was a bit jealous of my weight loss:rolleyes: anyway things came to a head and we had big talk and now things are much, much better. Anyway, we both ended up in tears - well I started and made her cry:eek: basically without too much detail she is in a very very unhappy marriage, she works her socks off in a v responsible job full time, gets nothing in the way of help and he treats her appalingly......yesterday she was so down and seems so tired and sad it just got to me and I started to cry.....which set her off!! I really wish she would find the strength to tell him to go......it's been going on on and off for years and years but ......well we'll see:rolleyes:

Aww bless ya both... glad you had that time together though, it's so important... perhaps a really good book about a similar situation and how others dealt with it sucessfully might help her... would she read one if you gave it to her do you think? (without him cottoning on..)... ((((hugs for you both))))

Went to my cookery class.....OMG what a laugh last night, I was weighing the stuff to make pastry and my sis and friend were chopping apples.....anyway, long story, short - exactly same ingredients for all of us.....my pastry.....perfect - top of the class.....theirs ......shambles....LOL, LOL.... so funny.....even funnier when I had finished my pie and was washing up and chatting to the lady next to me and un beknown's to me sis and mate had made an extremely rude word out of bits of pastry and stuck it on my pie:eek: :eek: it is a word I never use the 'c' word:eek: but it just made me laugh so much......mmmmm bitter twisted girlies me thinks cos my pie was considerably better than theirs!!! Friends resembled the moon on top......well a patchwork moon....LOL:D Got home and cooked it and confess to trying some....it was lush:p

ROFL... LOVE their silliness and sounds like a scream (NOT a word I use though - although I confess it has slipped out in one conversation about ex hub!) :eek: Food sounds delish... when at goal you will have to bake one for a Meet!! :D

Yesterday morning I had a call from a place I'd applied for a job asking me to go for interview.....today!! Anyway, did loads of housework this morning and went for interview at 1pm.....went very well.....seems a nice place - a childrens nursery and it is literally over the road from my mums whic hwould be handy for childcare......anyway, said they would be in touch end of next week......get home....pick kids up....and get a call asking me to go back for second interview monday!!! So off I will go on Monday.....not 100% sure that I would accept it if they offer me....but will go and see what they are offering.....watch this space.

YA YOU!!!! Wooohooo... will be watching this space VERY keenly!

Finished the housework now and just put the iron on to get that out the way before the weekend...... Am being picked up at 9.30am to get the train for 10.15am - very excited....didn't go last year as was SSing and couldn't have faced it......am going this year almost 5 stone lighter than the last weekend away we went on..... would have been more but hey....it's still all good.... got my two outfits - one for tomorrow (what I wore to hte WeMitt Meet) and then another smarter trousers and top for Saturday......really looking forward to it....gotta pack my cossie in case we go to the Spa on Saturday (as in the Bath Spas not the supermarket....LOL!!).

OMG - you will WOW them... 5 stone lighter!! FANTASTIC!!! Oooh, I remember your outfit... get yer stick out girlie.. you'll be beating them off!! ;) :p Have the best time ever and I look forward to hearing ALL about it!!!

Loadsa love to all - thanks for your continued support - one of these days I'll make you proud when I'm at me target weight......one day at a time.......never giving up.....cos I ain't no quitter......:D :D Mwah, Mwah........

So true - you aren't a quitter! You is a fabby lurvly gal who's gonna knock 'em for 6! lol You have a great time and when you get to target we are gonna celebrate BIG STYLE!! (I can still do that whilst SS'ing... tee hee)

PS - does anyone know how come I've ended up with 5 gold stars.....me not got a clue.....LOL!!

yeah... someone finks you is a star... twinkle twinkle!! :D
Been back about 3 hours.....absolutely shattered.....two nights on the bounce not going to bed till after 3am is not good for a woman of my age....LOL......off to bed....will report all tomorrow...

Lots of love
dirty stop out! ;)

Been back about 3 hours.....absolutely shattered.....two nights on the bounce not going to bed till after 3am is not good for a woman of my age....LOL......off to bed....will report all tomorrow...

Lots of love

Lol ya dirty auld stop out! lol

Looking forward to hearing all about it! Sweet dreams! xx
Sounds like you had a brilliant time! Looking forward to reading your report - unabridged of course! :D
Oh everyone......I won't keep you in suspenders any longer....LOL:D

Friday morning I packed my lil ole case (ok not so lil:rolleyes: ) and took the kids to school.....nipped to Tesco and got shed loads of cash and then was sat on the wall outside my house with suitcase ready for my friends mum to pick me up.....so excited:D

Got to the station and met the others (6 of us in total)....was great to see one of them as haven't seen her since April......got the train and settled down......got the bucks fizz and nibbles out and had a right old giggle.....Dan's mum had made the girls some lovely scarves in that really soft chenille type wool.....so I handed them out and they were all really touched and promptly put them on...LOL... Then one of the other girls had got us all little gifts (she always buys us 'your so special' gift)....this year we all had a little gift bag with a candy walking stick, choc santa and a bauble for the tree with 'special friend' on it.....lots of aww's and thanks and then back to the champers:p Changed trains and then did the 'secret santa' gifts....I got a lovely brown handbag......

Arrived at Bath and the taxi driver told us it was a 5 minute walk....:rolleyes: 15-20 mins later we finally got to the Hilton....dumped the bags as room wasn't ready and went for a wander......found a pub and had a couple of drinks and then went for pizza.....delish!!! Wandered back through the town and got some supplies from Waitrose for the room.....mainly water to prevent de-hydration....LOL.....got changed and met in the bar.....didn't stay there long as it was mega expensive...!! Then went on a bit of a pub crawl round Bath....had a good laugh....drank way, way too much voddie and eventually got back to the hotel around 2.30ish.....not much talent in Bath....well none that wanted to talk to us anyway....how rude!! We had a good laugh though:D All back to our room for girl goss although I think I slipped into un-consiousness due to the vast quantities of voddie:eek:

Saturday.....thought I'd feel rough but surprisingly not too bad:cool: Had brekki (huge but won't go into details....not fair on you SSing....me kind me!!) Went into Bath and looked around the shops.....stood outside a shop waiting for one of the girls and my auntie and uncle were walking towards me....small world or what.....didn't know they were down that way....they only live 10 mins from mine at home!!! Anyway, went and had a look round the Christmas market....very festive and lovely.....bought a few bits and pieces and then met in the pub for more drinks as some snacks......back to the hotel and got ready to go out again! Went for a couple of drinks and then for a meal....it was gorgeous....probably the best meal I have ever tasted (obviously don't get out much....LOL).....had a lovely time...took photos and when we came out we went to another pub:rolleyes: ....very odd place.....was like something out of League of Gentlemen.....lots of men.....hardly any ladies (wasn't a gay bar either!) and they were not impressed with us as we were laughing so much.....the more we laughed the quieter it got:eek: anyway did a sharp exit to another pub and then back to our room again.....another late night....3am!! Had such a laugh....and don't us girls talk about lots of rude things.....LOL:eek: ;) - like rabbits etc....LOL

Had another big brekki yesterday and packed up, put the cases in store and went on the open top bus tour....except it was downstairs cos it was raining.....very interesteing...back to another pub and then waitrose for more supplies for the train....got the train back to Bham and then no trains so had to take a taxi to Cov....got home....noone in....D had take kids to see his nan....they got back....quick chat and a cuddle....they all said they missed me....mmmm:rolleyes: D went and got pastie and chips....and chocolate:eek: and had a reasonable night....was so, so tired this am....oh yes meant to say go done for speeding last saturday and the form had come through.....there's another 3 points on my licence:eek:

Got up this morning.....weighed in and had gained 8lbs...doom, doom and treble doom.....I feel like a real fat heffer.....3stone up from my lowest point....anyway...no point moaning.....just get on with loosing it.....been 100% SSing today....had 3l water and 2 packs so far....head is screaming but think that could be tired too....gonna head off now have another litre....finish writing my xmas cards and then have last pack and an early night....

Had a wicked, wicked time....sounds a bit boring written down but we laughed so much.....but it's a case of having to be there....already planning to visit on of the girls in Inverness where she moved to live with her fella she met on 'tinternet - he really is the man of her dreams....so lovely to her.....I've got the Newcastle meet, the WeMitt in Bham Meet....we are going to a Health Spa with mum and Sis.....and loads of other things to look forward to....

Oh yes, didn't go for the second interview....gave it alot of thought over the weekend and decided that it wasnt' for me....the reception area where I would be based was really, really tiny like a broom cupboard and I would have been in there on my on most of the time (well you couldn't fit anyone else in there anyway....LOL) so Icall this morning and withdrew....think they were disappointed but I'm not just taking a job for the sake of it.....I want to be sure I get something fulfilling and enjoyable.......

Lots of love to all.....thanks for checking in on me and for all your support....much appreciated..
Oooh I am green! It sounds like a brilliant weekend! Prezzies, food, drink.. mates... dull men.. lol.. chrimbo shopping.. how fab! So glad you had such a fantastic time! 8lbs! flippin eck - still.. it will go quick :D Be gone by Christmas easily!

((hugs)) really glad you had such a great time! xx
OK guys my absence is obviously speaking volumes.....the diet is a bit (ok alot) out the window.....:eek: so much going on at the moment......can't get head in right place....am aiming for damage limitation and will be starting back SSing on MONDAY 8 JANUARY 2007 which is the Monday after the Newcastle Meet....in the meantime I'm trying to make reasonable choices.....although this doesn't always work:eek:

Got photos back from Bath and just thought I'd share one with you - I thought I looked really heffer like but as you can see I don't look too bad.....I was quite pleasantly surprised that I didn't look twice the size of my mates:eek: This is me and my good friend Sam - who is always putting herself down about looking a state:rolleyes: - I think she looks blummin gorgeous don't you lot?!

Hope everyone is OK - this week is manic for me....I know I'm gonna sound bah humbug but cant wait for this time next week:eek:

Love to all.
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Yeah me too, hun!!

I just can't get my head round SSing at the moment - so Jan 8th is D-Day!!!!

And I think you look fab too!!!!

Thanks girls for your compliments.....Love you all:D :D

PS - I'm the dark haired one on the left....just in case you were thinking I was the lush blonde.....LOL!!!!!
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