Hi All!
Just a really quick update as I'm supposed to be ironing (again

) and packing as tomorrow is my annual jolly girls weekend!!
Well it's been an up and down week - not been 100% everyday but trying, always trying and at the moment I seem to be veering towards damage limitation - have lost 3lbs since Monday so not bad......
Anyway, yesterday was a good day. Went shopping and got the boys their Xmas pressies - portable DVD players from Tesco.....bargain.....£64.50 each including carry case, plugs, wires etc plus you got 999 points on your card - which technically means a tenner off.....result!! Also bought the shopping for my cookery class - I go every wednesday with my sister and friend....this week it was dutch apple pie
My friend popped round in the afternoon for a girly goss....she's been my best friend for almost 25 years but earlier this year we were really not communicating and things were really bad.....between me and you and I think she was a bit jealous of my weight loss

anyway things came to a head and we had big talk and now things are much, much better. Anyway, we both ended up in tears - well I started and made her cry

basically without too much detail she is in a very very unhappy marriage, she works her socks off in a v responsible job full time, gets nothing in the way of help and he treats her appalingly......yesterday she was so down and seems so tired and sad it just got to me and I started to cry.....which set her off!! I really wish she would find the strength to tell him to go......it's been going on on and off for years and years but ......well we'll see
Went to my cookery class.....OMG what a laugh last night, I was weighing the stuff to make pastry and my sis and friend were chopping apples.....anyway, long story, short - exactly same ingredients for all of us.....my pastry.....perfect - top of the class.....theirs ......shambles....LOL, LOL.... so funny.....even funnier when I had finished my pie and was washing up and chatting to the lady next to me and un beknown's to me sis and mate had made an extremely rude word out of bits of pastry and stuck it on my pie

it is a word I never use the 'c' word

but it just made me laugh so much......mmmmm bitter twisted girlies me thinks cos my pie was considerably better than theirs!!! Friends resembled the moon on top......well a patchwork moon....LOL

Got home and cooked it and confess to trying some....it was lush
Yesterday morning I had a call from a place I'd applied for a job asking me to go for interview.....today!! Anyway, did loads of housework this morning and went for interview at 1pm.....went very well.....seems a nice place - a childrens nursery and it is literally over the road from my mums whic hwould be handy for childcare......anyway, said they would be in touch end of next week......get home....pick kids up....and get a call asking me to go back for second interview monday!!! So off I will go on Monday.....not 100% sure that I would accept it if they offer me....but will go and see what they are offering.....watch this space.
Finished the housework now and just put the iron on to get that out the way before the weekend...... Am being picked up at 9.30am to get the train for 10.15am - very excited....didn't go last year as was SSing and couldn't have faced it......am going this year almost 5 stone lighter than the last weekend away we went on..... would have been more but hey....it's still all good.... got my two outfits - one for tomorrow (what I wore to hte WeMitt Meet) and then another smarter trousers and top for Saturday......really looking forward to it....gotta pack my cossie in case we go to the Spa on Saturday (as in the Bath Spas not the supermarket....LOL!!).
I'm signing off now so you all have a good weekend......will report back on Sunday or Monday.....I'm sure there will be lots of laughs, lots of fun, lots of in-group counselling of each others problems...LOL, lots of tears (as usual!!), lots of alcohol......and a bit of 'what goes on tour, stays on tour'......
Loadsa love to all - thanks for your continued support - one of these days I'll make you proud when I'm at me target weight......one day at a time.......never giving up.....cos I ain't no quitter......

Mwah, Mwah........
PS - does anyone know how come I've ended up with 5 gold stars.....me not got a clue.....LOL!!