Hi all!
How are we all today? Good I hope. Well I managed Day 1 with not too much difficulty and so far so good today. I have so far had 2 1/2 litres of water and my first shake - hot choc mint - I love it - was going to try a Toff&Walnut hot but not sure i'll like it - maybe another day!
Well this morning I did weigh myself and I'm 3lbs down - so dead on 15 stone today - hopefully be at my first target of 14.6lbs in a couple of weeks. I am feeling really strong and almost like I felt when I started LL this time last year. Although that said I have got 3 obsticales coming up at the weekend - Friday night is a meal out with my girlfriends - I haven't decided what to do yet - Saturday is lunch with my mum, sis, nan and godmother (who hasn't seen me since my 40th - 19 stone
) so she'll have a surprise - though she has seen photos of me diminishing...lol! Again not decided yet what to do and Sunday is dinner at my parents for the whole family - will more than likely not eat. I will see how good I am this week before I make a decision...though if I do eat I know it'll be on my head and I know what healthy choices to make too...
Tomorrow night will be a good test - I've got my cookery class.....yeah I know not the best type of course for someone who is on a VLCD!! The reason I'm doing this is because my sis wanted to do a course and I said I'd go along to keep her company and for her to choose what to do so she chose 'cookery around the world'! Wouldn't have been my first choice but it has been surprisingly good fun and has made me realise that cooking fresh from scratch doesn't take forever
We made pizza last week - base and sauce and everything and it only took and hour and the kids lurved it for dinner the next day! Tomorrow we are cooking herby chicken (chicken stuffed with cream cheese, herbs and wrapped in bacon) and waldorf salad - guess what OH has got for dinner.....lol
Someone emailed me yesterday and said this - I think it is very appropriate for alot of us who are struggling/restarting:
I'm thinking that it helps to get in to the moment - not to dwell on where you have come from on your weight loss journey or where you are going but to concentrate on the present moment. If we let our thoughts slip off into thinking about the past it can bring us down - for example thinking about having slipping up on the diet or thinking about how much we should have lost by now can make us feel dispirited and a failure. The past has gone and our past does not have to control our present or future.
Anyway, I've jobs to do (ironing - which I have to say I quite like...sad but true!!) and then pick the kids up from school - baby girl has gymnastics tonight so it's a bit of a rush - she loves it but is quite a 'sturdy' girl so not the most agile - bless! She has just started school and is in Reception - she is loving it and is just brimming with confidence. She came home last night and informed us that because it is Ramadam her teacher is fasting - and mummy, this means that she doesn't eat any food in the day but eats it in the dark with the curtains closed.....lol! I told her teacher this morning that we knew what she was doing and she was really pleased because she said Lucy was the only child to re-count what she had told them - obviously it's not the easiest thing to get your head round when your 4 years old!
Middle boy has had an invitation to his mate's party next week during half term - he has to be at this boys house for noon because the limousene is picking them up to take them for a ride round and then to the cinema and then pizza hut....god we only had jelly and ice cream and pass the parcel in my day.....hope Charlie don't expect me to shell out that kind of cash for his birthday....
Hope everyone is having a good day - stay strong and together we will fight this flab....
Love to all
How are we all today? Good I hope. Well I managed Day 1 with not too much difficulty and so far so good today. I have so far had 2 1/2 litres of water and my first shake - hot choc mint - I love it - was going to try a Toff&Walnut hot but not sure i'll like it - maybe another day!
Well this morning I did weigh myself and I'm 3lbs down - so dead on 15 stone today - hopefully be at my first target of 14.6lbs in a couple of weeks. I am feeling really strong and almost like I felt when I started LL this time last year. Although that said I have got 3 obsticales coming up at the weekend - Friday night is a meal out with my girlfriends - I haven't decided what to do yet - Saturday is lunch with my mum, sis, nan and godmother (who hasn't seen me since my 40th - 19 stone
Tomorrow night will be a good test - I've got my cookery class.....yeah I know not the best type of course for someone who is on a VLCD!! The reason I'm doing this is because my sis wanted to do a course and I said I'd go along to keep her company and for her to choose what to do so she chose 'cookery around the world'! Wouldn't have been my first choice but it has been surprisingly good fun and has made me realise that cooking fresh from scratch doesn't take forever
Someone emailed me yesterday and said this - I think it is very appropriate for alot of us who are struggling/restarting:
I'm thinking that it helps to get in to the moment - not to dwell on where you have come from on your weight loss journey or where you are going but to concentrate on the present moment. If we let our thoughts slip off into thinking about the past it can bring us down - for example thinking about having slipping up on the diet or thinking about how much we should have lost by now can make us feel dispirited and a failure. The past has gone and our past does not have to control our present or future.
Anyway, I've jobs to do (ironing - which I have to say I quite like...sad but true!!) and then pick the kids up from school - baby girl has gymnastics tonight so it's a bit of a rush - she loves it but is quite a 'sturdy' girl so not the most agile - bless! She has just started school and is in Reception - she is loving it and is just brimming with confidence. She came home last night and informed us that because it is Ramadam her teacher is fasting - and mummy, this means that she doesn't eat any food in the day but eats it in the dark with the curtains closed.....lol! I told her teacher this morning that we knew what she was doing and she was really pleased because she said Lucy was the only child to re-count what she had told them - obviously it's not the easiest thing to get your head round when your 4 years old!
Middle boy has had an invitation to his mate's party next week during half term - he has to be at this boys house for noon because the limousene is picking them up to take them for a ride round and then to the cinema and then pizza hut....god we only had jelly and ice cream and pass the parcel in my day.....hope Charlie don't expect me to shell out that kind of cash for his birthday....
Hope everyone is having a good day - stay strong and together we will fight this flab....
Love to all