Hi folks!
How are we all this wet, miserable, dark, winters evening - God I hate the winter ..... reckon I've got SAD - mum reckons it too - I become a bit of a recluse in the winter - get the kids from school and just want to hide in the warm, snuggly house.....not good when they have swimming, gymnastics, football , blah blah blah!!!
Anyway, today has been a good day

I went into town this morning and had my nails down (I've got acrylic nail extensions). Then had a mooch around - got H (eldest boy) a lovely Adidas watch for his birthday next week, also stocked up on some 'health food' stuff - OH takes mixed nuts and seeds to work to snack on - 'confession time ' - did have a handful when putting them in the tub

also got the kids some yoghurt raisins - they love them - so do I so the pack won't be opened till they need them and then OH can lock them in the cupboard with the other goodies

Why is it that things can stay in packets and I'm not remotely bothered but once they are open its a whole different story.......
Did OH and the kids a nice roast dinner and they had a mad half hour running round the house like loon's! Now the little ones are both in bed and H is watching the Bill - not entirely happy about this as some things are a bit inappropriate - but he's almost 11 and I guess needs to understand abit about more grown up stuff - hence the book for his birthday! His other pressies came today from Play - got him a new game for his DS. He has been banned from his DS since we came back from Spain at the beginning of Sept because he left his wallet with all his games (£250 worth

) on the plane!! To say we were furious was an understatement.....fortunately we claimed most of it back off the insurance and have replaced them but he's not been allowed it till his birthday - that said he hasn't even asked for it - kids eh - and they wonder why I don't like spending loads on them - they don't always appreciate it, look after it or even play with it
Anyway, packs/water wise I have done the following:
41/2 litres x water (will prob be 5+ by bed time as still gluggin)
1 x choc pack
Am not in the least bit hungry - hope this is a sign ketosis is around....I don't test myself often as I think as long as I'm being good then it's working.....might check tomorrow - although the handful of nuts may hindered it slightly?!
I am going downstairs now to have a hot banana shake - yum - someone on here yesterday was talking about hot banana so thought I would try it - it's lush. May make another pack into a muffin to go with it. To be honest not bothered but need them vit/mins now don't I to keep me a healthy girly!
Anyway, hope you've all had a good day - keep going, and be strong.
Lots of love to all