synful soul
Oh huni Im so sorry, i cant add to what others have said except sending you love and wishing for the best.
My best friends dad has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, he is in really bad pain with his joints and bones and worries that it may have spread - he too now has to wait 2 months for an appointment.
Its disgusting!!! Im so so sorry hun!! xx
Pesty I am so sorry to read this . The poor man. To be left worried and in pain is cruel.
((Hugs Pestys friend and family)) Hope he gets an appointment sooner!
Sue, I hope you are currently in A&E causing a "bit of a palaver". This is becoming a farce - so I strongly suggest you go dressed in bloomers, carrying a large pane of glass between you and DH, and you say "Whoops!" a lot while accidentally hitting various members of the hospital management in the face with custard pies.
I know this is worrying, but keep that strong chin of yours firmly up and keep us posted as to what occurs. Thinking of you xxx
Both chins are firmly up....whoops no only have one now, forgot that. Thanks SW !
The custard tarts did not make it as far as the hospital.........we ate them, synned of course.
Seriously, I haven't been to a&e I was working all day yesterday and with each day that takes us closer to June I feel reluctant to "rock the boat".
Feeling a bit down today but trying hard to rise above it.