I CAN do this! :)

Friday 29th July 2011

1 Slice Toast - 1/2 ExB 1
Tea - Milk from Exa 1

BLT - 1 syn Mayo & ExB 2
Activia Snack Pot - Free

Evening Meal
SW Chips -
Chicken -
1 Tortilla - Synd

1 Mini Caramel from Lidl - 5 Syns

As you can see from the above yesterday was not a green day not a red day and not a Extra Easy :confused::(:confused:

I was unorganized and hope I didn't do to much damage :(
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Sunday 30th July 2011

Red Day

1 Slice of Toast - 1/2 Exb1 + 1 Syn butter
Tea - Milk from Exa 1

I Slice Toast - 1/2 Exb1 + 1 Syn butter
1 Banana, 1 nectarine, 1 apple

Evening Meal
SW Sausages, Bacon
1 Brown Roll - ExB 2

Lidl Caramel Mini - 5 Syns

Total Syns used - 7
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Sunday 31st July 2011

Extra Easy

Bacon Roll - ExB
1 Banana - Free
1 Nectarine - Free
Milk all day - ExA

Kraft Macaroni (made with no butter) - 2.5 Syns
1 Orange, 1 nectarine, 1 pear - Free

Evening Meal

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Dear oh dear oh dear!

I don't know what has happened to my posting few and far between! I will get back to it I hope next week. Things have been a bit mental at the moment.

Have a deadline for 4 essays for college due for next Monday which totally sucks since this is the kids last week of school holidays up here and instead of spending my spare time with them I have my head in my computer :-(

Then I got woken up this morning from my mum at 7.30 to say my dad had been admitted to hospital at 5.30 this morning, so just sitting here waiting for 9.15 so I can phone the hospital back and see what is going on!

Eating wise I have been good this week and stuck to my syn allowance and been on plan all week so hoping for a good result. Was working out how much I could loose if I just average 1.5 lbs a week so I am really going to try and hit an average of that to got near target by the wedding :) well here is hoping anyway.

Last week I sorted my seat covers and disco so getting organised slowly!

Speak soon!
wow sounds like you have plenty going on. Well done for sticking to plan as much as you have.

Keep at it, you'll gt there and for sure will be a stunning bride xx
Oh My Goodness Me!!!!!

Good Evening,

As you will see it has been a long time since I last posted and looking back over my book I need to start posting again and focus!

For the months of Jul, Aug I am only a couple of pounds down :sigh: The thing is I haven't been naughty food wise went on holiday put heaps on lost it then have dwindled really :mad: mad with my self because I have wasted 2 months and £40 of class fees!

Last week I was really good and only lost 1/2 lbs so tonight I eating a Lidl 0.1% fat fruit yogurt and suddenly thought I haven't actually looked up the syns on this as had presumed it was free well....... they are 2 syns each and I have been eating them for the last ten days like they were free.

I can't believe after doing this plan for so long I would make such a silly mistake!

What other kinds of yogurts could I buy that are free, I am kind of fed up of muller lights and activia snack pots.

Thursday 8th September 2011

So I am starting fresh and posting my eating on here again :D

Porridge - exb
2 bananas - free
Milk in tea all day - exa

2 baked tatties - free
Mixed Salad - free
3 Fried Eggs - free
Lidl Yog - 2 Syns (not chuffed I thought they were FREE!!!!!!!)

Evening Meal
SW Sausages - free
SW Chips - free
Mixed veg - free

later on at night I had a mini lidl bounty - 6 Syns

Total for today was 8 Syns used.
Friday 9th Sep 2011

Porridge - exb
1 Chopped banana & 1 nectarine - free
Milk in tea all day - exa

Baked tatties - free
mixed Salad - free
3 fired eggs - free

Evening Meal
2 birds eye chicken chargrills - 8 Syns
Salad - free
SW Chips - free

1 Lidl Yogurt - 2 syns
1 nectarine - free

Total Syns for today 10
Saturday 10th Sep 2011

Had such a good sleep last night, my other half was on night shift and came home at 9am and said we were the only house on the street that was still on lock down from last night lol. best thing is my kids slept till 9am as well ....... that NEVER happens!

3 Fried Eggs - free
some tomato ketchup - 1 syn
milk in tea all day - exa
2 nectarines - free

Pasta & sweet chili sauce - 1.5 Syns
1 Nectarine - free

Evening Meal
SW burgers - Free
Brown Roll - exb
Pickles, tomatoes, salad - free
SW Chips - free
burger ketchup - 1 Syn

Dr Who night tonight so will need to find some snacks to eat while we watch!!!!!

1 Mini Caramel & 1 mini bounty - 11 syns

Total used today 14.5

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Sunday 11 Sep 2011

Green Day I think
Bacon - exb 1
Fried eggs - free
Brown Roll - exb 2
Milk in tea all day - exa 1

Kraft Macaroni made without butter - 2 syns
2 nectarines 7 1 banana - free

Evening Meal
Baked potato with carrots, broccoli, some roast beef.

Good Afternoon fellow minis! sitting watching the grand prix :D most of housework done just guinea pig to clean out and some laundry to do and kids bathed nice and clean for school tomorrow and playing nicely. What is everybody else up to today? Going to my mothers tonight for our tea not sure what she is making us but hopefully I can tweak it to allow for my green day :)

did 60 minutes on the treadmill 4.7 miles

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try the irish diets yoghurts, much creamier than muller lights and free, nice to see you back, was wonderig where you'd gone! x
Monday 12th Sep 2011

Porridge - exb
pineapple - free
Milk in tea all day - exa

Morning Snack
Apple Crumble Shape delight 0% yog - 1/2 syn

Baked Potato - free
Lettuce - Free
Beans - free

Evening Meal
Chilli & Pasta - 2 syns
broccoli. cauliflower & carrots on the side - free

Snack - Rhubarb Crumble shape delight 0% yog - 1/2 syn

Total Syns used today 3 Syns

58 minutes on the treadmill 4.45 miles
Wednesday 15th September

1 Slice Brown Toast - 1/2 exb
Banana - Free
Milk in tea all day - exa

backed tattie with chilli & salad - free
Yog, pineapple, 1 weetabix on top - 1/2 Syn

Evening Meal
SW Chicken cacciatore with tagliatelle - 1 Syn
Thursday 15th Sep 2011

1 Slice of Brown Toast - 2 syns for butter - 1/2 exb
1 Banana - free
Milk all day - exa

Pasta with some of last nights sauce - free
Fruit salad & yog - 1/2 syn

Evening Meal
SW Sausages, SW Chips & Veg - free

I lost 1 lb this week on Tuesday night.
Friday 16th September 2011 Green Day

1 Slice of toast - 1/2 exb & 1.5 syns of butter
1 banana - free
1 yog - free

1 Slice of toast with tomato puree & cheese - 1/2 exb & exa
1 Yog - free
2 fried eggs - free

Evening Meal
SW Chips on a brown roll - exb 2
Beans - free
beetroot - free
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