I don't like Mondays

Thanks guys! I'm glad we're monday people! :D ;)

Herbalife is a type of meal replacement diet! (kinda!) You can use protein shakes to replace 1 or 2 meals in the day! The classes I go to don't expect you to use the herbalife products but more to learn about healthy nutrition, balanced meals and the importance of protein in your daily diet! Thats kinda where the herbalife products come in! They do shakes, protein bars, meal bars, vitamin tablets etc etc etc (they are expensive though..)! In each shake there is over 20g of protein and since our coach has recommended I get 100g a day they are really handy!

Its really hard to explain in a nutshell! But since ive started im looking at EVERY meal in a different light! Every mouthful is important to me now! Its been a really successful program where I live with or without the actual products! :) I hope it will be the same for me!
Oh that sound like a very positive class. I'm pleased that you are enjoying it. And keep us posted on how things go....
Thanks! :) I met up with the coach one-on-one on wednesday. She recorded by bmi, fat index, muscle mass, hydration and bmr. She told me what I need to focus on more than anything is exercise. AND eat MORE (100g protein each day)! She said my body is probably in starvation! The scary thing is about that is that I may not lose on Monday because I'm doing what she told me.. I'm a little nervous about it but is hoping my exercise is paying off! I've been really physically tired this week between the workout dvd, walking and work! Fingers crossed!
Good luck.....
6.5lbs this week!!!! woop woop!
another 4.5lbs off for me...

had a bad day today. but trying to not let it get me down, and trying not to let it spiral anymore!

hope everyone is doing ok..
you can do it! i know you can!!!
Thanks Kes.

Wow you look fantastic, well done!

I've bitten the bullet and started again for real today. I'm not gona let personal problems make me put all that weight back on. Stuck to it until now - it's only ten to 8 but it's a start. I'm going to London to stay with my brother in a month so I'm determined to lose before then.

well i gained 1.5lbs. but i cant complain at all!!!! i have done so well so far and i am chuffed with the weekend, and also with the photos. i no longer feel like the fat one!!!