Silver Member
Awww hope you get what you want in the end
I think that the venue is a little naughty here. I used to plan weddings as part of my job while I worked in the hotel industry & important things like this shouldn't be left to just being read in a brochure, the co-ordinator at your venue should really have pointed this out to you too - would have save a heck of a lot of hassle/worry!! x
Thank you for bringing this up, it's made me feel better.
I never want to bad mouth anyone, I'm not that type of person... But, is it surprising that after you mentioned wedding co-ordinator I went and looked through afore mentioned brochure to see if our venue has one, since I've never met him/her, don't know their name, never had any correspondence from them, and thought that the register office I spoke to yesterday must have been confused when they told me my venue's wedding planner was off on maternity leave! But we do, and it is listed as part of our "package"!
To further rant, after saying I'm not a bad mouther, I had a phonecall in March to confirm the time of our wedding, 1pm or 3pm. I was working so it was a message on my phone but called back as soon as I could. I couldn't speak to the lady who called, so I confirmed the time with someone else and asked if I was able to make an appointment to discuss some queries we had, at this point I was thinking decorations, DJ, hotel rooms for the guests, fairy fluff I never considered registrar... This was pooh-pooh'd as such details didn't need to be confirmed til 4 months before the wedding, again fairy fluff, they are just little details.
I only found out about the registrar business yesterday because I emailed them with some little queries, since I have never heard from them after I paid my deposit in April 2010. I actually have 2 letters from them, 1 is our wedding contract, which is in OH's and I can't wait to get hold of, the other is the confirmation of our deposit. I was informed by the lady I spoke to yesterday that the next time they would have contacted me would be in 3 months (6 months before my wedding) to ask for the first installment.
I mean is this normal? I do feel completely overlooked and unimportant... Whilst I will accept initial blame for not reading the bloody brochure, is it wrong that I feel someone should have intercepted before now?
x x