I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

Hope you feel better soon PP :hug99:
I was off work for 3 days so bad enough didnt feel back to normal for weeks. Hope ure feeling better today. I will post in my own diary next couple of days just wanted to catch up with u all first :) x

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Thanks Jo. :D Looking forward to reading all your news. :D

Hope you feel better soon PP :hug99:
Thanks hun. Still a bit crock. But on the mend I think. :D
Hey stranger, I've been missing for a while.. Hope you've been ok (not had a chance to go over your thread) xx
I like the match 3 jewels /symbol type ones, but was stuck on that so changed to a New one I got mah Jong type one , never played before was ok,

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Yea I got quite a few prof leyton ones , I have a Lego raiders of the lost arc one but can't seem to get very far in it , seem to go round in circles.

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