I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

Morning pp
Happy Monday xx

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Hello lovely :) xx
Hi Emma how's it going. Bub going to plan? Enjoy your mat leave. :D

Bubs is a chunky monkey already after a scan today she is way ahead of her dates but all is well :) maternity leave is good seems to be going very quickly though!

Hope your ok? X
Bubs is a chunky monkey already after a scan today she is way ahead of her dates but all is well :) maternity leave is good seems to be going very quickly though!

Hope your ok? X
So pleased to hear all going well with bubs. I'n sort of OK but just can't shake a cold/cough I've had for ages I get a bit better then relapse again. Sick of it now it has been weeks. Not able to do much else cos my breathing is crocked. Hate being unwell. Well more unwell than my usual running level anyway. :(
Hi Von. Thanks for popping by. I'm just laid low with this damn lurgy, can't shake it at all. Been weeks now and just when I feel a bit better it comes right back. How's your knee ( and the rest of you obv)
oh patsy you've had this a while hope you shake it soon ,
Had MRI Wednesday officially got to wait for report to go dr and referral to consultant ,
Unofficial my sis works on orthopaedic day surgery where my referral would go , she took my MRI dvd to work and a consultant looked at it , it shows a cartilage tear and about 6 -7 subchondrol cysts in the bone , he said it not the knee of a 45 yr old , and asked if I'd been tested for arthritis , apparently this shows signs of ostioarhritis ,

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Back again. How's things? X

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Hi Aly good to see you back/ Much the same for me but struggling with a cold/cough atm. :D How are you doing?

Morning I'm ok. Found out I have compressed nerves in my neck causing all my back pain & possibly my migraines. Nd 2 look in2 it further but I'm getting there!! Suffered 4 10yrs so nothing new!!
Morning patsy,
Are you feeling any better ?
I hope you are over the worst , take care xx

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Hey PP, hope you're feeling better, sorry to hear you're under the weather.
How's retirement? Enjoying it?
Hope to catch up properly soon
TTFN :bighug: xxx