I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

Really ,wow
Hope mines just short term , I'm sure once I get back to work things will be ok,
I've not got tv on I'm sat I'm bed hopeful I'd fall asleep but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen anytime soon,

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Really ,wow
Hope mines just short term , I'm sure once I get back to work things will be ok,
I've not got tv on I'm sat I'm bed hopeful I'd fall asleep but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen anytime soon,

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I've sort of given up trying to force myself to sleep it was counterproductive. I find sometimes if I try to con myself into believing I want to stay awake that is when I manage to fall asleep. Might be worth a go for you. :D
I've sort of given up trying to force myself to sleep it was counterproductive. I find sometimes if I try to con myself into believing I want to stay awake that is when I manage to fall asleep. Might be worth a go for you. :D

Yea anything worth a try, I slept from 6pm till 12.15,
That's roughly the amount of hours I sleep at night,
Il be falling asleep prob the same time tomorrow
Do you catch up during the day ?

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Yea anything worth a try, I slept from 6pm till 12.15,
That's roughly the amount of hours I sleep at night,
Il be falling asleep prob the same time tomorrow
Do you catch up during the day ?

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I tend to get a couple of hours between 6 and 8 or 9 am and feel dozy for a bit around 7 at night but never actually go to bed to get proper sleep then. Think I sometimes dose in the chair but never deeply asleep. Used to be the same when I worked too, so was a bit of a wreck. Sometimes when I'm absolutely dropping I take original benylin and I don;t know it it's all in head or not but I seem to sleep then, :)
I tend to get a couple of hours between 6 and 8 or 9 am and feel dozy for a bit around 7 at night but never actually go to bed to get proper sleep then. Think I sometimes dose in the chair but never deeply asleep. Used to be the same when I worked too, so was a bit of a wreck. Sometimes when I'm absolutely dropping I take original benylin and I don;t know it it's all in head or not but I seem to sleep then, :)
You don't get much sleep, must of been awful trying to do a full days work on such little sleep , I agree with the benylin, I remember years ago my dad had a really bad chest infection and wasn't sleeping and the dr suggested he take benylin at night mixed with boiling water , it knocks you out, I've taken it in the past also ,

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Glad to hear I'm not the only Benylin addict, I once managed to get truly addicted to it though by taking it every night for a couple of weeks ( for a bad cough) so much so that when I went cold turkey I got absolutely no sleep for about a week, so now I'm careful about how long I take it for at any one time. :D Maybe you should try some tonight to knock you out or are you just going to go with the flow?
Glad to hear I'm not the only Benylin addict, I once managed to get truly addicted to it though by taking it every night for a couple of weeks ( for a bad cough) so much so that when I went cold turkey I got absolutely no sleep for about a week, so now I'm careful about how long I take it for at any one time. :D Maybe you should try some tonight to knock you out or are you just going to go with the flow?

OMG really, but I could see how it can happen when it works so quick all you care about is getting some sleep,
I haven't got any here :(
But I'm unsure how it would mix with what I'm already taking ,

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OMG really, but I could see how it can happen when it works so quick all you care about is getting some sleep,
I haven't got any here :(
But I'm unsure how it would mix with what I'm already taking ,

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Shame you don't have any. :( But you ave a point about mixing it with your painkillers prob best not to risk it. :D
Hope your ok Hun , you've not been around for a while , hugs Hun xxxx

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Thanks for popping by Von. Just not feeling it atm, can't seem to get my head in gear, need a kick up the bum as I think I;m getting even bigger and will soon be heavier than ever. Hope it's going well for you. :D

Oh patsy sorry to hear that, I've been doing ok but today I'm like a human dustbin,
I'm not sure tomorrow will be in plan as OH is off and he's saying were out for the day , but I'm hoping Wednesday will be a restart

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Oh patsy sorry to hear that, I've been doing ok but today I'm like a human dustbin,
I'm not sure tomorrow will be in plan as OH is off and he's saying were out for the day , but I'm hoping Wednesday will be a restart

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We all need a wee break now and then so I'm sure you'll be fine for a day off. How's the knee coming on? Hope it won't impede your day out. Here;s hoping you get some decent weather too. It has chucked it down for two days here. :(
We all need a wee break now and then so I'm sure you'll be fine for a day off. How's the knee coming on? Hope it won't impede your day out. Here;s hoping you get some decent weather too. It has chucked it down for two days here. :(

It's poured down here today too,
Knee well still having pain although this is now pain from the bones , as the surgeon thought I would now notice that the pain from the cartilage has gone ,
I'm not on crutches now but still not going up stairs proper some times it's ok other times I still have to go up non operated leg first each step,,
Due back at work 5 July not really looking forward to it ,

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It's poured down here today too,
Knee well still having pain although this is now pain from the bones , as the surgeon thought I would now notice that the pain from the cartilage has gone ,
I'm not on crutches now but still not going up stairs proper some times it's ok other times I still have to go up non operated leg first each step,,
Due back at work 5 July not really looking forward to it ,

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Still doesn't sound like fun I have to say. Hope you'll manage to cope with work if it's still sore. Will be odd going back after 6 months of being a lady of leisure, but I'm sure you'll be fine once you get used to it again. And you'll have the fun of the new place to get used to as well. Just console yourself with the though of the extra money you'll have at your disposal/ :D
Still doesn't sound like fun I have to say. Hope you'll manage to cope with work if it's still sore. Will be odd going back after 6 months of being a lady of leisure, but I'm sure you'll be fine once you get used to it again. And you'll have the fun of the new place to get used to as well. Just console yourself with the though of the extra money you'll have at your disposal/ :D

I know the money will be great , but I'm nervous but sure at will be ok , as you say just out of the loop after 6 months off

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