I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

OMG you are so bl00dy amazing....what a stupendous loss hun :woohoo: :winner: you stay up on :character00100:, you deserve every second of being there...I am so very proud of you....well here's to you blowing another challenge out of the water ...so your challenge for next week, should you care to take it, is to do 15 mins exercise, don't care what it is as long as it makes your heart rate go up a little and some sweat to appear, 3 times a week...now you can break that 15 mins down into 3 x 5 minutes over 3 days if you like, as long as you do it :hug99: xxxxxx...brilliant loss. :wow: :wow: :wow: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Lily, Oh goodness me you're a hard task master, just when I thought I'd gotten away with it.

Well call it brave or foolish whichever you like but I,,,, accept,,,,,,your,,,,challenge again. :eek: AAARGH :eek: :eek: just as well I bought myself new toning trainers yesterday. I might do a Jackie and go for a brisk walk or 3. Or I could get the zumba or just dance3 or wii fit plus out of their boxes. Now that would be an idea. :eek: :eek:
Well done PP :)

Amazing loss x

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Thanks Lily, Oh goodness me you're a hard task master, just when I thought I'd gotten away with it.

Well call it brave or foolish whichever you like but I,,,, accept,,,,,,your,,,,challenge again. :eek: AAARGH :eek: :eek: just as well I bought myself new toning trainers yesterday. I might do a Jackie and go for a brisk walk or 3. Or I could get the zumba or just dance3 or wii fit plus out of their boxes. Now that would be an idea. :eek: :eek:

You cooked your own goose there sweetie,:giggle: you mentioned that you'd bought yourself some lovely new toning trainers, so I hooked onto the fact that you mjst be ready to accept a small exercise challenge ;)....so for my challenge...I will triple the exercise you do, you do an hour a week I will do 3, you do 2 hours I do 6 and so on...so you can dictate my exercise too....this should be fun :hug99: xxxx

I am off to make the cheesecake now, I will be back later to read your reply :bighug: xxxxxxxxx
You cooked your own goose there sweetie,:giggle: you mentioned that you'd bought yourself some lovely new toning trainers, so I hooked onto the fact that you mjst be ready to accept a small exercise challenge ;)....so for my challenge...I will triple the exercise you do, you do an hour a week I will do 3, you do 2 hours I do 6 and so on...so you can dictate my exercise too....this should be fun :hug99: xxxx

I am off to make the cheesecake now, I will be back later to read your reply :bighug: xxxxxxxxx
You are evil or mad, surprised you didn't use :sign0151: I guess I'll have to add an exercise tracker bit to my signature now. Anyway I thought you weren't taking up any more challenges and were setting realisic goals. :flirt2: I used to be quite fit and want to get back to that again. How long does the challenge last for. Just the week.... Yes..
You are evil or mad, surprised you didn't use :sign0151: I guess I'll have to add an exercise tracker bit to my signature now. Anyway I thought you weren't taking up any more challenges and were setting realisic goals. :flirt2: I used to be quite fit and want to get back to that again. How long does the challenge last for. Just the week.... Yes..

I am both hun :sign0151: ...yep add that tracker lol.
I am not taking on anymore team challenges other than the Curvilicious one, but this is a personal challenge...actually it's more of a game I spose :giggle:....I was very fit right up until I had my accident, even though I was overweight even then...and yes hun this particular challenge lasts 1 week ...but I'll have to see what I can come up with for next week won't I...now will I be evil or not :hmm: :devilangel:...you'll have to wait and see :8855: :8855: :8855: xxxxx:hug99: xxxxx
Well that was even better thanhoped it would be. I lost 5lbs, :bliss: unheard of for me, and I realised I got into the 17s last week and an now half way out of them.:D And only need to lose 1.5 lb for my next shiny. Oh and I got SOTW too. Still can't quite believe it.

And the award goes to Patsy for sticking on in there. Well done! :winner:

:party0011::party0011::party0011::party0011: :party0011::party0011::party0011::party0011:


Well chuffed for you. Fantastic loss. ;)
Thanks Crumble I'm still shocked. Just shows what SE would do if I had followed it perfectly, should probably have been more OMG can you imagine that. Not sure if I'm going to manage another week on my version of it immediately though.

I'm off work tomorrow and going to Creative Stitches and Hobbycrafts show in Glasgow. At it we tend to have bought in food which isn't SE friendly and wash it down with lattes. What's more we're probably going back on Saturday too. Think I'll have to be super good the rest of the week.

Also Lily the slavedriver has challenged me to do some exercise OMG it's all very scary. But I'm game for a laugh, :)
Amazing weight loss Patsy!! Total credit to you!! I'm loving the idea of Lily's challenge too. Go for it! It'll be great fun I reckon.

Kev X
:woohoo: amazing loss! :winner: good to see you so focused and positive! enjoy your exercise challenge! (i need to put some more effort in to finding time lol )
5lbs!! that's brilliant ...well done you !!! xx
Brilliant weight loss :D

I've just caught up and been reading about all the hunky men you all fancy. I love it when Sean Bean says bast*rd.

I like that man who was in Rome. I can't remember his name so I'll have to let you know later. I don't normally go for men in skirts but I'll make an exception in his case ;)

Oh wish you'd been in on the discussion from the start was a good giggle. Nobody would back me up about Sean Bean. Did you see him on Jonathan Ross week before last. They did a whole feature as him being Sharpe and saying just that one word. Made me laugh. :D

Good to see you about on lots of threads in the last couple of days. Normal service is gradually being resumed. :D