ooohhh are you a local? I am very aquainted with the mersey tunnel and have had one or two skirmishes in there
I hope your nan is ok.
So - hmm where to start with your posts. Firstly slim and pretty girls often have THE WORST hang ups, worse than most chunky girls I know. I know, it's almost an oxymoron, but they do. The thing is, society and media places it's higest prize on being the most pretty and aluring and the most handsom and sporting, so no matter your station, you are always aware that there will be someone more pretty (or handsom and virile etc) than you. Often, the pretty women I know, in school, have learned to live off their looks, and didnt do too academically well (of course there are exceptions, but I am talking about those that peaked early) they were too busy developing a social heirachy which pitched them at the top of the tree, but you can only stay there for so long until the younger and prettier comes along. And thusly goes the rest of your life. Sadly after a while you cant just trade off your looks a LTR requires more than that - as we all know. Bung on to that, the fact that most men know how to woo a woman, but when the honeymoon is over, you are left with their snoring, the socks in a ball on the livingroom floor, and the secret rendesvous in hotel rooms, meals and skipping off in a misty heart shaped bubble all become a thing of the past almost as if a dream.... and get replaced by a lot of nonchalant grunting and the occasional date out to keep us sweet (well it a'int all that being married) she probably just realised when you lay down with dogs, you catch fleas of the mind...
Her new man, is clearly a serial philanderer, she was just his lastest prize, and now, probably, he is after the next big thing, this is how men like him opperate - it's all the thrill of the chase, possibly why he is in sales
She will be thinking it's love at first and how romantic that he left his missus for her, but she is just a stepping stone another prize...poor kid, maybe you should take her under your wing and tell her what's what...
As for the car - boo hiss - do work give you one to use normally?
NOW....without getting too deep, it's amazing how people faced with potential death get this "do it now" vibe about life. I agree that we all do seem to sit around waiting for life to happen to us, when we are thin, when we have more money, when we have the energy... there are so many excuses we give ourselves for not being fully present for life. I was walking in the woods today and that was the first time I have felt fully present in ages, smelling, breathing, listening, seeing...all your senses going at once..I can tell you it was an amazing feeling that I dont do enough, so today's lessons are...umm stay away from married men, live in the now, take care of yourself and errrr, drink more water
You seriously have had the week from hell by all accounts.