Firstly no - I was in a blind panic that it was on - and I HAD MISSED IT. I knew you would be a girl after my own heart! But no apparently not, its this week (will be booting my hubby out as he hates anything "screen-ality" like that)
Tonights the night I can't wait for the cringe fest and our analysis of what is going to be without doubt scathing. I am a junk telly addict and not ashamed to admit it. I feel I have met my soul mate in all things "screen-ality" I can't remember my life before this type of utter trash telly. You can't beat a bit of Don't Tell The Bride either for a good laugh at the bridezillas
Secondly - here is the thing. When you take food out of the equation, you may find that all sorts of things come bubbling up for you in terms of annoyances, where you may previously have forced the feelings/thoughts bag down with food or drink. I think A LOT of us have this issue. It's not the CD brings out the rage, it's that it is there already, we just dont acknowledge it or act on it.
It really is odd isn't it? if I get called ratty one more time I am going to freak, thus proving the point!
In terms of people not respecting your space, or feeling that you pride yourself on having an open house - well hello! is that normal? I used to feel the same, then I started to think - no wait, you are rocking up (or calling on the phone) at rediculous o'clock to TALK ABOUT THEMSELVES?! I mean WTF???? I used to think that was also normal, and well, I am here to tell you that it is not. People need to respect boundaries in life. People need to know that you are a person, a person who prides themselves on making their time, their listening ear and their verbal sounding board valuable. I had to totally lay down the law after my last baby was born, because she has never slept through and the phone and door bell endlessly going would wake her up. You know what I noticed? How much less stressful my life is, not having people bouncing up and outstaying their welcome. NOW I make PLANS, I have people over for dinner (even I am not eating persay, I can cook and have some SS+ or 810 foods) I INVITE people around and I feel much better for it.
I had to really work hard on creating boundaries, because I never had any. I thought it was totally normal to be "open house" where anyone could come, abuse my hospitality and go without question...even my own family (who were the worst actually)
I think that was the most recent CD learning curve for me. I only really managed to do it when I moved to my new house, out of my neighbourhood and a good 10 minute car journey away.
One of my sisters even had all her bills re-directed to my house! (after her and her husband staying with me for 4 weeks which turned into a year) they moved out, but their mail still kept coming as DID more - mobile phone contracts the lot!
I can't believe some people, wow you have a much stronger resolve than me. I think I would end up changing the locks of I had been in your situation, you will go to heaven. I just I suppose I think people should treat me as I treat them and then you start thinking, hang on what is going on here? I bet the best thing you ever did was move. It just goes to show how much people will make the effort to come and see you if they want to.
So I guess what I am saying is are the one at the helm, if it pee's you off leaving the bathroom door open (is he in there when he does that - of so how weird!) then say it, and in the nicest way possible say - look babe, this is just not on - I dont roll with those that pee with the door open, so sort this out. Or words to that effect.
hahaha he is a strange creature it has to be said. I know you are right I'm going to go for that approach because screaming like a banshee is clearly not working.
You are doing great - this is opening your eyes and more power to you chick!