I haven't been pushing myself enough recently when it comes to body magic, so I think I'll join you all in this challenge, and hopefully up my fitness and my weight loss!
I'll probably be running on the treadmill at the gym for the time being, and the treadmills there measure in kms, so I'm going to count down in kms rather than miles, lol

Got off to a good start today with a 5k. I haven't run for yonks, so I was quite pleased I had the stamina for that. I need to get back in the habit, and then work on speed - I'm a real plodder, and at the moment I could probably walk a 5k in the same time it takes it run it :8855: (48 mins!!)
Woodland girl. 100 miles, 44 to go!
mandy296. 100 miles done now counting up 119.3 miles so far
Pinkie1973. 100 miles, DONE plus 53.5
Shazzabir: 100 miles DONE plus 50.2
Maverick: 100 miles, 67.5 to go!
Sunshine Runner: 100 miles, DONE plus 1
RebeccaOM: 100 miles, 100 to go
ladyantionette: 100 miles, 71 to go
Trefoil: 100 miles, 95 to go
KazzW: 100 miles, 91.5 to go
Hannahkw1: 100 miles, 25 to go
PigCity: 100miles, DONE plus 26.8!
Gembear: 100 miles, 100 to go
Who_La_Hoop: 161 km, 156 to go