Try making Breton galette instead. The pancakes will store comfortably in the fridge for a couple of days, as will the batter for 24hours, and the pancakes freeze well. Best made in a heavy bottomed frying or crepe pan, non stick helps but not essential.
4-6 oz Buckwheat flour
1 egg
Water to mix (not milk)
Pinch salt.
Put flour into good sized bowl so there's a decent gap at the top, I use a 2 pint bowl with a lip and handle like a wide jug. Beat the egg and drop into well in the centre, then mix so it picks up the flour. Then add water and mix till it's like a normal, not too thin, pancake mixture. Heat up the pan well, then cook as you would any crepes, but you'll find it cooks more slowly and you may need the heat a bit lower. When firm, flip it over and at this point you can put fillings on. I like egg and grated cheese with black pepper, ham, egg and chees, spinach, mixed veg etc. When cooked on secod side ( and egg firm if using) fold over and flip onto a plate. A little butter is nice on top as well.
If not using right away, just cook second side, do the rest and put the pile away for reheating and filling as needed. You can just spread with a little butter and cheese if you like. Sweet is nice too.