This weekend I have been good but in a bad way! I have mainly stuck to the principles but strayed off one too many times. We went to a BBQ on Saturday and I was pretty good, I ate mostly meat, turkey steaks and a drumstick, had salad and some veggie batons and drank diet coke (too much I think) They were insistent on dessert as they couldn't understand that I had finished the diet, as in weight loss, but was consolidating it. They assumed I could just eat now. So I had a small piece of dessert which I took 2 bites of and then gave the rest to hubby. But there was a bowl of Doritos in front of me, thankfully without dip close, and I did nibble on those. Again not many but still not right. They then brought out a bowl of fruit salad so I had a small bowl of that. Because we got home late and had eaten in the middle of the afternoon we were not hungry enough for dinner. I can now see that this is lethal where I am concerned as I then get a snack head on. At least I now see it. I restrained myself to one cookie that we had brought back with us and ate some 0% fat yoghurt and an apple. So despite eating off the plan, I still didn't manage to get the starch (unless you count the doritos which I did) or the cheese and no oat bran. Had loads of protein though!
Sunday was my middle daughters birthday so I was taking her shopping for the morning. I made myself the galette and ate that before I went. 1 point to me. I was good, I had a skinny latte and then we were back to her flat for lunch with hubby and 3 year old. All that was on offer was a tuna mayo sandwich which I choose to share with my little one. Then a chocolately chocolate birthday cake which I again only took 2 bites of. I knew we were going out to dinner which was technically my gala meal, although I feel like I did an entire gala weekend. For dinner I had a diet coke, paprika chicken with coleslaw and chips and took one of my hubby's breaded mushrooms. I was stuffed after that. No dessert, no wine, no starter. So I have been good but in a bad way? I have gained back one of the pounds I have lost and I am doing my PP day today as tomorrow I am driving most of the day and I think it will be too hard to sort out.
I can see where I am more likely to slip up now but I am finding consolidation way harder than cruise. I am good at restraining myself, not bingeing but easy to pick at things and not eat properly.