I want to change to another diet!


Dizzy blonde
I'm in the middle of week 4, and I think I've had enough of LT. I feel weak, tired and headachey most of the time. Added to that, just weighed myself midweek and haven't even lost a pound! So add demoralised to that as well. I still want to lose weight, but maybe LT isn't for me.

Has anyone here moved from LT to another diet with success. I'm considering CD, and including a meal, or maybe an Atkins. That way I would stay in ketosis. I did once try a diet called Vitaline, where it's sort of calorie controlled and you constantly eat bits of red/yellow pepper to keep your metabolism fired up.

Please don't all shout at me for being an LT deserter. I just feel so physically awful, and my doc says my tummy pains are my stomach making lots of acid due to lack of food.
If LT is making you ill then switching to another diet sounds a sensible idea.

Theres a diet out there that works for us all, its just a case of finding it, it might not be the frist one you try, but you WILL find it :)
Aww cee cee you're not a deserter...if its not for you it's just not!!! But weighing your self mid week is a bad idea i was told off for it!!! I think a few people have move to cd or have you consider LT maintanance
Good luck hunni
Hey Cee-cee

Ur not a deserter!!!

Maybe change to CD SS and see if that makes any difference??? I know when I did Lipotrim it was disgusting, cept for the strawberry shakes which were yum!!! At least CD has a much nicer range of stuff and you would have the added bonus of a CDC for support!

There is no point in going around feeling totally miserable for any amount of weight loss so I hope you either feel better on Lipotrim soon or else change to something else.

take care xxx
Thanks girls, feel a bit teary now! I know weighing yourself midweek is not recommended, but it does give you an idea which way your weight loss is going. I am thinking about CD SS, or refeeding on LT. Wonder if I would still lose weight on refeeding. Just feed I need to eat some healthy food. But worried I will put all the weight back on that I have lost if I eat any food.
I moved from LT to CD. The 810 plan would probably be perfect for you. You have your shakes for brekky/lunch and a low carb meal in the evenings. My councellor chgs £1.80 a pk and I buy 14 a week. Good luck with whatever you choose.x
LT is expensive and I've heard several people say the packs aren't very nice. I can see that staying in ketosis would be a big benefit, perhaps the sole source plus would make the difference you need. If you are thinking of a meat orientated diet like Atkins then do consider whether your digestive system can cope with it. Some people love the high protein levels and are happy and energetic on it, I found it prompted IBS and couldn't cope with it at all.

I'm sure you'll find something to suit you, it's the determination to succeed which matters, not how you get there.
Do not,repeat Do not ,beat yourself up about it. You can devise your own plan like a 1000 cal diet or a 1300 cal a day diet and one excersie a day and lose weight as well. It may not be as quick but it is as effective as lipotrim. I am also thinking of coming off the trim.It's a personal choice and I would rather lose weight at a slower pace than feel like crap all the time! Do what feels right but replace one regime with another.Don't go backwards! good luck let us know what you decide.Love, Michelle.
Yeah Claire I found the same about atkins my bowels suffered and its the same on lipotrim I have 2 literally od on senokot to survive and I'm starting to think that aint so good.I am determined to lose weight and I have started thinking it took my 7 yrs to pile it on and I don't care if it takes me 1year to lose it I'm in no big hurry but I miss food and am to tired to excersie on lipotrim. So, I am thinking of just trying the healthy but slow option I spent €1500 on a gym threadmill today and think that I should concentrate on excersie and good eating. Its all about choice and nothing about failure.
Awww.... poor you. I totally agree with everyone else here, you're not a deserter, you have todo whats right for you. I did Atkins 3 years ago and did really well, lost over 3st but took around 6 months to do that, so a lot longer than the results Ive seen here, but you will get there plus you wont be hungry and you'll have tons of energy although I know that with some people it can trigger IBS. 2 shakes a day and a low carb meal sounds quite good as well though especially if your an evening eater like me.
It SURELY is!!!! LOL

Good Luck with whatever you move onto!

Please stick around on here though, I'd love to know how you're getting on!:)
I have decided to do refeed, see how I feel and then switch to another diet, so will keep in touch. Thanks for all your kind words and support xx

Don't beat yourself up about it, Lt isn't for everyone. I've just finished my third week and I'm still feeling crappy, depressed and weird and my bowel movements are just awful! The only reason I'm sticking to it is sheer determination. It's alot to handle babes and if it's not for you then try to find something that is right for your body. The acid you're experiencing might mean you need to drink more water but we already drink a truck load as it is! It might get better as the weeks pass but if you can't take anymore then dont sweat it x
You have to do whats right for you.....keep posting and let us know how you are doing!
got a freind on CD eats one meal in the evening, sheis doing very well lost 2 1/2 stone, and has had theodd nightoff and been to Florida for two weeks. CD woks for her, so you may find thats the one foryou. Goodluck
Cee Cee, I Have Already Changed!!!! I Don't Know If Your Read My Post About 3 Weeks Ago But I Changed To Cd Ss And Found It Was A Lot Better For Me, Weight Loss Has Not Suffered One Bit And The Bars Are Delicious!!! Also I Hate Making My Shakes Up And I Taste The Powder But Cd Do Ready Made Shakes In Banana And Chocolate And Taste Not One Bit Powedery. Give Your Refeed A Chance And Then Urge To Try Cd Ss For A Week, Please Please Try It!! Let Me Know How You Get On !!!