Thank you hun
It wasn't so much the weekend that got to me, it's been getting to me for weeks and I just can't seem to get back into planning and sticking to meals during the week. Half the time, it's the effort of cooking them when I get in from work. Because I feel so unfit, I feel really tired when I get home and just don't have the drive to cook my dinner and prepare lunch for the next day :sigh: And to be honest, the blow outs seem to be almost every other weekend, I just can't seem to stick with it every weekend for some reason
I really want ot get back to the gym too, but that's where the whole issue of not being able to fit into many thing I own comes into play lol. I just begrudge having to buy new things when I really don't want to be able to fit into them soon if I can help it... Plus I can't really afford to keep buying new things... it's just a vicious circle lmao
I'll see how I get on tonight and make a decision after weigh in. I'm going to try get away from group as soon as I can tonight, if I stay I don't end up eating until 8.30 at the earliest, and I'd love to be back home and in my pj's ready for bed by that time tonight! :4635: had a horrible night's sleep last night so I think that's partly lead to me being so miserable today lol