Hi ladies, I'm glad that everyone is trying so hard to stay focussed. Well, done, with all your traumas and stresses.
I had my WI last night and despite my bacon and sausage disaster, I still lost 2lb. I would have preferred to shed 3, but to be brutally frank I was so constipated yesterday I was amazed to have lost any weight at all! All that meat....
My CDC is away on holiday for two weeks now so I had to buy 42 products - loadsamoney!! I may have to swop to S&S now, or do half and half, if only for the saving.
Now I'm in the 12s I can focus on the next stone, and will look at doing ADD after that. Oooh, nearly forgot - I got back into one pair of my old jeans today - first time in over a year!! Yay!! Got to hang up a pair of the next size down on my wardrobe now, to drive me forward - no more bacon!!!
Onward and upward girls. Linz, good luck at the dentist tomorrow. x