Since the positive start on Monday morning, I seem to have stalled. Actually, I seem to have sabotaged myself which is even more upsetting!
Had a good day Mon until about 5.30pm and then I had 2-3T of peanut butter and a handful of nuts. Not the end of the world, admittedly as it wasn't crisps or anything like that, but still. Then I didn't have my CD dinner (wasn't hungry). Woke up and saw I'd gained a little bit.
I'm learning that the body is quite sensitive sometimes to the food we put in it - but was still upset with the gain as I know I ate well under 800 calories on Monday! So of course I while I was out and about I had a croissant for breakfast! And an egg for an afternoon snack which I only have if I've worked out - I didn't yesterday. Today's weight is the same as yesterday's.
Hmpf! Am in the frame of mind that if I'm essentially starving myself (taking in far fewer calories than my body uses even when it's at rest) then I should be melting away...and that if I take in a few more, but still under 800 or 1000, that I should still be losing.
Makes me really worried about when food is introduced back into my diet full-time.
I have 3 full days before heading out to France on Sat for the ski trip, so I'm going to stick to CD, workout and see how much I can lose. Although I'm almost of the mind "why bother?"
Knowing that I'll be off CD entirely next week...even with the skiing which burns lots of calories as you try to keep warm and you're exercising, I'm afraid I'll have gained everything back by the end of the week!
Sorry for the dismal update - it matches the grey and blah weather outside and I've just noticed I'm wearing grey clothes as well. Blah!