Well, I'm back from my ski trip and in one piece (always a plus!). It was a really good trip, despite the nearly 12 hour journey each way to get there. It snowed the first couple of days, so we had fresh snow to play with. For the rest of the week, it was blue skies and sunny with progressively warmer temperatures. I have the sunburn to prove it. :flirt2:
Every morning we had fresh baguettes, croissants, pain au chocolat, cereal, cheese, tea, coffee for breakfast. I usually had cereal (whole grain) with a cup of tea. Lunch we stopped somewhere on the slopes and, oddly enough, the people I was with mostly ate just a plate of fries, while I had ham & other sliced meat with a roll.
Dinners is where everything fell apart... we were all responsible for one night of cooking and in the mountains, meals tend to be high in carbs and very much "stick to your ribs". Dinners were: bangers and mash, mince and tatties, spaghetti bolognese, baked zitis, boeuf bourguignon. Loads of wine, as well as cosmopolitans and mojitos. Getting up in the mornings was sometimes a challenge, given the partying done the night before. I made chicken marinated in maple syrup and apple sauce, with steamed broccoli and a mixed salad with goats cheese and tomatoes. Dessert was an apple tarte tatin and creme fraiche. It was easily the "lightest" meal of the week (!!!).
So, when I got on the scale this morning I was expecting a full out disaster - I figured I had gained at least 5lbs. Actual damage was a gain of 1.5lbs since my last official weigh-in of 2 weeks ago. While I've lost 2 weeks, the 1.5lbs is a relief and hopefully should disappear soon.
Today I get back on SS 100% - I am *not* looking forward to the next few days while I work my way back into ketosis. Somehow, it was easier at the start of the diet, when I didn't know what to expect.
Already I'm behind - I haven't had anything to eat or drink yet, as I dived straight into work. Time for a shake and a litre of water - all in the next hour!
I hope everyone is doing well - I will spend some time today/tomorrow catching up and I look forward to hearing about what you've been up to and all the weight lost!