Thank you ladies. After a pretty awkward morning at work (I hate not knowing what I'm doing!), my sister rang to say she'd come back to the flat from her morning's Paris browse to water everywhere! ugh! I managed to get a plumber out, who wanted £300 to change a pipe (whereas I'd paid more than that 3 weeks ago to unblock same pipe!), so I declined his kind offer, got the water turned off, and OH (from telephone distance) reckons it's the washer gone in the tap where the washing machine is attached. (Anyone with unemployed offspring, get them into plumbing school. They'll soon make their first million!)
Anyway from there, we headed back out into the suffocating air to find a creperie (my sister's favourite - I simply went along for the ride, you understand

). I won't go into details but they were lovely! (They?!!).
Home and bed by 10.30pm. Storms 10 mins after we got home so water IS our friend after all, and now it's blissfully COOL...
My guests at the house were glorying in 38°C heat yesterday, but now report storms also, so we can all get some good night's sleep hopefully after this silly heat!
Back on Dukan Monday; you know me when I set my mind to it, so anyone struggling who needs a STRONG dieting partner, get revved up for attack Monday 4th!