69.9K today so off it comes... Third PP today but thought I'd better as my hand NEARLY went out for a chocolate yesterday when they were wafted under my nose!
I'm getting more settled in my new office - have figured out where the nearest fridge, coffee machine and loos are, and although it still feels very strange to be a "new person" again after all these years in the same firm, it's more sociable and I see more people in the main building, and this might well help me with the food stuff too. Previously, I tended to hide away at my desk typing on the forum, eating on my own (as I did when EATING, intentional caps). Now it's less convenient to do so (more open office), and I've nice people to eat my tupperwares of food with, so ...
Eye test A-OK which pleased me (finances!). I admitted that I could not read as well without glasses as I could last year, and thought that might mean I needed permanent ones. He said not at all, cos my vision hasn't changed since last year so I just need a slight correction for close work, BUT that I need to put them on if I can't read (supermarket labels, texts etc), rather than holding my hand out as far as possible to read (aaah I just need longer arms!). OH however has a problem with eye pressure and has drops for 15 days to put in, then a retest of the pressure. If second bad eye pressure reading, it can apparently lead to optic nerve damage and glaucoma, so action required. (Laser? treatment in his office? Will depend on extent of problem.)
All in all, from the leaflet he gave us, glad to be having annual check ups and we ALL should.