Another thumbs down for group exercise! I'll be out in the fields walking... and might even take the bike out if I'm feeling brave! I'm so pathetic on a bike and, although there are no big hills near the house, it's a slow descent from the village in every direction... hence a slow climb on the way back when I've already had enough (and yes I have got off and pushed before!! after only about 15 mins too!). I'm much better on my feet!!
My guests left mid-week only, so there'll be lots of clearing up and cleaning to do no doubt (which can wait until it rains unless it looks dreadful!). Three x double beds to strip and wash... and beds to make cat friendly quickly before they moult all over them!!! That'll be before bed tonight!!
Scrumps - I'm not aiming for clean at the moment. Don't wanna keep going in and out of ketosis, so will be going to the market to see the plum man

tomorrow. I'll have a bowl on Sunday evening as a treat (spend half the night in the loo no doubt

), then PP on Monday

Easy really if we get a whole salmon and BBQ it on Sat as planned. There'll be lots of leftovers!