IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

I do weigh my cheese (how sad am I?) but if I weight it in a chunk rather than slicing as thinly as possible I am pretty accurate to within a couple of grams. I have been eating the cheese sliced on top of the figs!
I don't weigh cheese (cos I don't like eating it!), but I'm sad enough to weigh portions of smoked salmon etc when dishing out from a large pack (only to ensure that I get my ration, you understand!!)
You should see me when my cheese is short so I am trying to slice off an extra 2g :)

I think I feel more stressed if my kitchen scales aren't working than if my bathroom ones aren't!
No... I've not seen Emma in a little while...
she did say that it was less of a sanctuary in here nowdays ...... shame if she has gone
I don't think Emma would do that to us... she'd just hang out in our diaries!
Ladies panic not - I'm still here. Sincere apologies for being awol. I had a small meltdown at a stupid comment made by newbie and thought perhaps a time out might do me good. Been v v busy, shall go update properly in my diary (if I can find it!). I have big news!
BIG NEWS... wow!!!

I've just upset the sausage eating newbie... so another one for me to avoid!
Anyone would think I didn't like sausages!
I miss Vicky's regular input around here. Just today someone was looking for a polite way to mention "transit issues". Vicky's "POO" word came to mind, but I thought I'd better not use such a word for fear of being called far worse things than simply "patronising"...
Just promise me you won't ever change, you have given so much help to so many, me included and I am proud to now count you as one of my real (in the flesh) friends.
Thank you Mousey mouse... mwah!
Tis true. Jo keeps it real for us all.

And anyway we can all only lose our weight ourselves, we do seem to have a whole bunch of summer people expecting someone else to lose it for them.
And true for me too Jo. although havent met you in the flesh ..yet ;)

and sausages :)
laughing now :D