IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

ours is posh JO :) that why i have the big posh car to drive it :D

(if the caravan is a knockin....dont come a knockin ;) )
Photos of posh car and caravan, Vicky, please!

And I would say that if a caravan is replacing a romantic trip away, a wobble now and again is compulsory;).
My caravan doesnt wobble honestly ... Here's mine


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nice to see you all on here and sorry I've been so quiet too. I am here and everything is fine, but mostly too busy and also nothing to say.

As for 'managing beautifully' in Stab that might be a bit too generous but managing yes. A holiday and two birthday weekends with lots of gorgeous cake later I am sort of cruising now, though adding the odd piece of Fruit, don't want to get back into full scale Ketosis. We'll see what the scales say tomorrow, I'll go back to proper Conso asap. Last week I actually forgot to weigh myself which I suppose is a good sign!

Our plans for the season that shall remain nameless for now (but which is already rearing it's head in my supermarket): ever since we've had our second child the motto is now 'we stay at home'. Everyone is welcome to visit, and they have done so, but last year the snow put a stop to that so we had a second exchanging of gifts with the grandparents at the new year.

Hmmm I've just been for my run - what can I eat? I know - cheesecake ;-)
Gosh Anja - I'd hate to see you Cruising, aside from on water, so I'm glad you're keeping that fruit coming.

Tues am I felt too huge to weigh myself and wore a loose summer dress to work (thanking my lucky stars it wasn't a cold day!). Yesterday, feeling "less big", I weighed 74K. Today 72.3K. These crazy yoyo weights up and down are amazing.

Tomorrow we are invited for aperitif at the old guy's who set up his vide grenier stand next to ours. I will partake. Meals and fruit organised for weekend.

As I just typed in Tan's diary, we've having a beautiful hot period at the moment and it's quite strange to be sitting in the dark knowing it'll be 28°C later :D The days are so short too!

It's my godson's 18th today. Amazing to think that 18 years ago today I attended his birth! He's declined my usual dinner birthday invitation - can't blame him - so we're doing it next week!

OH isn't as anti going ooopp North as I thought, but just for an overnighter and no further up than Crewe! Given the weather these past couple of years too, we'll probably do it last minute. I think Crewe is too far from you Vicky to come for just a coffee?

Weight coming off and staying out of ketosis. Weekend STS which is a miracle for me - ate lots of fruit (oh and had an aperitif + nuts with neighbours) but "those" cupboard doors remained firmly closed!

Stress levels very high (replacing sick colleague) and days are flying by. Hopefully she'll be back on Thurs!
cant believe the weathers better then the summer typical !!!

glad your yo yo is on the down at the moment

i think i should start weighing again the shock will get me back on track

aww a vicky ...jo meet that id like to be a fly on the wall for xxx
I saw a little clip on the Weather Channel explaining what an Indian summer actually is. It's generally in October or November and follows a cold period, and thus gives the Indians one last chance to get their supplies in before the long hard winter. There! We've all learned something today!

BBC Weather | Paris
hey Jo et al. Crewe is far but I am trying to persuade OH that we need to go away for between xmas and new year ;) will see whats around there.
Ill pm you anyway xxx
Hello, just a quick drive by.

In last nights Glee

Schu "Do you eat a whole chicken every day?

Bieste "I eat a whole chicken every meal "

:D wish I had that bravery at work lunch.

Hope alls good here.
Great to see you Jacq and don't be a stranger! (here at least!)

This hot period is fabulous. Another 28°C day today and, although it's strange having such short days (it's pitch black right now!), I'm not complaining at such a late summer!

Holiday weight coming off. 68K ultimate "goal" again, but attempting (again) to get there "my way" without ketosis and full blown Dukan.

Amazing to be thinking about and discussing Xmas, but I've just been looking at the website of a steam train not that far from us which would definitely interest OH. Now would he prefer in December to see Santa on a steam train? A WWII homecoming? Or NYs Eve on a steam train? Decisions decisions!
Let Off Steam! | Steam Trains, Day Out With Thomas the Tank Engine, Santa Specials, Luxury Steam Dining Trains and much more, at the Mid Hants Railway - Watercress Line

The colleague I've been replacing returns from sick leave today. I've actually enjoyed doing her job and the parts of mine I could (two of my people were palmed off onto others...).

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I'm going to post this here, because I know there are some French speakers on the forum.

"Lucette veut perdre du poids, sans danger pour sa santé. Elle décide donc d'entreprendre un régime amaigrissant. Elle va donc diminuer ou supprimer différentes catégories d'aliments pour maigrir... et rentrer dans le cercle vicieux de la restriction cognitive. En d'autres termes, suivre un régime, c'est contrôler en permanence son alimentation, consciemment et volontairement. C’est choisir de s'en tenir à des règles extérieures à nous-mêmes plutôt que de se fier à des signaux internes, qui expriment ses véritables besoins.

Suivre un régime, c'est manger... mal !

Bref, le danger est de croire que l'équilibre s'atteint par un contrôle mental portant sur la nature des aliments consommés ainsi que sur le total de ses apports caloriques. Suivre un régime, c'est en réalité la garantie de ne pas manger équilibré. Pourquoi ? « La restriction cognitive se manifeste sous deux états principaux : un état d'inhibition sans perte de contrôle alimentaire "tout va bien", puis un état de désinhibition avec perte de contrôle "tout va mal" », note Gérard Apfeldorfer, psychothérapeute, dans son livre, Maigrir, c'est dans la tête. Car le contrôle mental n'est pas tenable à long terme : tôt ou tard, Lucette se mettra à grignoter, à manger de manière compulsive, en grande quantité, les aliments qu’elle s’interdisait. Et en fin de compte, en voulant manger équilibré, elle se mettra, globalement, à mal manger !

Une étude de l'ANSES* de novembre 2010 pointe les dangers des régimes amaigrissants : de graves risques psychologiques et physiques comme des perturbations somatiques, des risques d'ordre osseux et musculaire. Les carences alimentaires sont habituelles quand vous suivez un régime amaigrissant car comme vous ne vous fiez pas aux signaux émis par votre corps, vous ne mangez pas selon vos véritables besoins. Il y a beaucoup mieux pour maigrir et manger équilibré.

Comment manger équilibré ?

En fait, il faut choisir : suivre un régime ou manger équilibré. Et de ce point de vue, il faut distinguer l’équilibre nutritionnel et l’équilibre énergétique.

L'équilibre nutritionnel se fait naturellement si l'on écoute ses sensations alimentaires, en l’occurrence ses appétits spécifiques, qui nous font paraître désirables les aliments contenant les nutriments dont nous sommes carencés. Il faut laisser le corps décider. Cet équilibre nutritionnel est à distinguer de l’équilibre calorique. Si vous mangez au-delà de vos besoins énergétiques, vous vous situerez au dessus de votre poids d'équilibre. Pour maigrir donc jusqu'à votre poids d'équilibre, le seul qu'il soit possible de maintenir dans la durée, vous devez vous faire confiance tout simplement, et manger lorsque vous avez faim, vous arrêter de manger lorsque vous ressentez le rassasiement !

L'équilibre ne se fait pas à la journée et il faut plutôt considérer, en moyenne, des périodes d’une dizaine de jours. Si vous avez trop mangé, vous aurez moins faim au repas suivant. Si vous en tenez compte pour ajuster votre prise alimentaire, non seulement vous ne prendrez pas de poids mais en plus, vous allez même maigrir ! Vous avez en vous la capacité d'ajuster vos apports caloriques à vos dépenses énergétiques, il faut juste renouer le contact avec vous-même en étant à l'écoute de votre faim, de votre satiété, du plaisir que peuvent vous apporter les aliments. Les envies précises d'un aliment témoignent d'un besoin d'un nutriment particulier : écoutez-les pour manger équilibré !"
Sorry to harp on about the weather, but we're now heading to 30°C and no sign of it breaking before next Tuesday :D Wonderful! (Although seeing 13°C forecast for next Thursday is a bit of a shock to the old system!)

70.8K so holiday weight slipping away - not as quickly as it would have with pure Dukan, but the ups and downs are less ferocious this way. Next Wed, I'm at a creperie celebrating my godson's 18th (and if anyone's ever found anything to eat that's remotely Dukan friendly in a creperie, I'll eat my hat!). Plan is to walk to work AND back that day. "Marcher plus pour MANGER plus" is my ethos!

I'm looking forward to a quieter than usual weekend in the country.

Here's a picture of me selling my worldly rubbish at our vide grenier! Note the four layers of clothes!


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Nice photo, Jo.:)

Very warm here too, so lucky. Been out for most of it, kids are loving it.
Last day of extreme heat here (29°C) but I guess we really can't complain. Seeing 14°C forecast for next weekend fills me with dread though!

I had a lovely weekend, and stuck to my plan. I had fruit Fri pm, and over the weekend, but that sufficed and I wasn't remotely tempted to join OH in his [treats].

Both days I headed out into the tractor paths through the fields for a good stomp (yesterday running into a couple of guys with dogs and GUNS - oops I'd strayed into hunting territory apparently!).

We made some tomato relish (sugar free of course) with our excess tomatoes, which still seem to think it's summer! and we're still eating celeriac, carrots and beetroot from our veg plot (yum!).

Another week... another few euros... off I go!
Thanks, Jo.

Suivre un régime, c'est manger... mal ! ...

Pour maigrir donc jusqu'à votre poids d'équilibre, le seul qu'il soit possible de maintenir dans la durée, vous devez vous faire confiance tout simplement, et manger lorsque vous avez faim, vous arrêter de manger lorsque vous ressentez le rassasiement !

M. Apfeldorfer, in painting all diets with the same broad brush, seems to forget that many of us have bodies that tell fibs about our appetites. I've always been renowned for having eyes bigger than mine (appetite that is) and I'm finding that Dukan is a useful tool for re-educating my brain about what signals to listen to and what to laugh at and ignore.

  • Unlike 'cutting down' I'm not being constantly pressured to eat rabbit food or frowned at when I eat sufficient to keep hunger from the door so I don't feel the need to cheat.
  • Unlike Cambridge, I'm cooking and eating real food and making informed decisions about what I should and shouldn't eat.
  • Unlike WW I'm not weighing gram by gram amounts of every foodstuff.
  • Unlike Atkins I'm not feeling green at the thought of every meal.

I'm actually, to be honest, finding this particular way of eating suits my digestive system and food likes/dislikes. I'm eating more vegetables rather than less and since I'm never going to be an athelete, I never really needed all those pasta/rice/bread carbs in the first place and don't miss them. Even the alcohol holiday is re-educating me about social occasions and how I can enjoy them with or without a drink.

Last week's holiday away, half of which ended up off-Dukan to an extent, gave me a great confidence boost that I need never go back to over-eating and that even if I indulge at one meal, it's simply a matter of striking a balance with subsequent meals. That would probably strike a thin person as blindingly obvious but was a revelation to me. :D
I'm afraid I'm still waiting for that revelation Dubs because I still have no sense of hunger or feeling full. Dukan unfortunately fueled my overeating habit in that I do eat quite a lot when doing Dukan properly and, when I'm not, I then still eat quite a lot of whatever I find.

I'm not throwing in the towel though! But won't keep beating myself up in ketosis. It merely helps me lose weight but resolves none of my issues :)
I'm afraid I'm still waiting for that revelation Dubs because I still have no sense of hunger or feeling full. Dukan unfortunately fueled my overeating habit in that I do eat quite a lot when doing Dukan properly and, when I'm not, I then still eat quite a lot of whatever I find.

I'm not throwing in the towel though! But won't keep beating myself up in ketosis. It merely helps me lose weight but resolves none of my issues :)

But you've gained (or are en-route to) the self-knowledge that you can't depend on your body to say 'I'm sated' and you've realised that a mixture of vigilance and moderation rather than punishment is your personal answer. You seem a bit hard on yourself sometimes for someone who's done so very well!