IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

I'm well into the fourth week of my rererestart of Dukan with no slip ups. As I was saying to my other half ("husband", "husband", "husband" - just can't get used to say that) last night, "if only real life was like this"!

Confession 1: my sister (who's lost 30K+ this year on Slimming World) is on holiday and tells me she's gained weight... and I felt relief (WHAT????!)
Confession 2: I wish I wasn't going home for Christmas cos that's when I'm going to revert to type. The very first evening I have a meet with friends for a takeaway. Fab not! The second lunch a Christmas lunch at a Toby with OH's daughter and grandkids... I'm now dreading both yet I was so happy when I put them in my diary four weeks ago!
Confession 3: As I said on someone else's thread, but ought to document here in the diary of shame: I realise that I'm perfectly happy to return after the holidays a real heifer and start again. I love Dukan. I love overeating. Will I ever find a happy medium? (Do I care? That's the real point!)

Sara made such a fabulous contribution on Trudy's diary this week, and I keep thinking about her words (and wishing I could have her closer by for her to keep an eye on me, and me to support her...)

I'm waffling now... time for a hot drink before heading out for an hour's walk to work. Only minus 2°C this morning, after minus 5°C yesterday!
As you said we are all great dieters its keeping it off and not reverting back to type. Ive felt my old habbits sitting there waiting for me to weaken and Im truly scared, as you say xmas lunches and being around family....its going to be difficult for all of us , but as long as were honest on hear and support each other surley we can get over this Festive period. come on your doing fantastic. xxx
sididd said:
As you said we are all great dieters its keeping it off and not reverting back to type. Ive felt my old habbits sitting there waiting for me to weaken and Im truly scared, as you say xmas lunches and being around family....its going to be difficult for all of us , but as long as were honest on hear and support each other surley we can get over this Festive period. come on your doing fantastic. xxx

Same...I know I'm having too many galas and could go too far but at the same time want the balance of enjoying Xmas!! We can all support each other through!
E, we will xxx we have got this far xxx
Hello Diary and All...
I did want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas before I leave myself, and I hope you all have great holidays.
I'll be coming back to the UK tomorrow night (overnight to avoid those dreaded traffic jams) and returning overnight on 30th but just to the city to pick up the cats to head to the country for NY. Back officially on Jan 7.

Being on Dukan this past four weeks has been a joy and has reminded me how dreadfully easy my eating life is when I'm in the zone and in ketosis. I also know it's not a solution to my binge eating problems, and it merely prevents my weight from getting too high again.

But I'm acceptant of my fate and know I'm heading into dangerous waters (aah that channel can be choppy!) at the end of this week and I won't even kid you or myself that I intend to get through the period without the usual horrific weight gain, however I feel now.

So... see you in January; whether I'll take the easy Dukan option remains to be seen. I'd like to hope that I could try again to diet "normally", but...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all
Merry Christmas to you to xxx see you in the new year xxx
Maintainer, I hear your own, true voice so clearly through your posts! It definitely helps all of us to know we have found a diet that we can stick to and that definitely works, when it comes to losing the pounds. Whether we can ever develop an eating habit where we don't keep gaining and losing remains to be seen. What I do know is that, if I have a 'bad' day or 2, there is no long term impact so I don't have to keep going from one extreme to the other, eating-wise. I can have binged quite badly but, at bedtime, I still look relatively slim and I can't pinch more than an inch. If we reduced the panic, we would be kinder to ourselves and it is that 'even keel' that encourages moderation.

Have a really great Christmas. I'm heading to France myself, for an all inclusive skiing holiday. Maybe I'll have lost all resolution by the time I get back and go back to being a fattie again! Hope not... xxx
howdy all

tomorrow i return for good warts and all and back to square one :(

but I am in the same head range i was when i first started xxxxxx

chat soon
Happy new year x
Happy new year jo, I'm starting back today after struggling since my holiday in July ....looking forward to being in control again :)
just warming up your diary for you lol
I'm back too Jo so for me it's good to see you back too because on a selfish note I will need all your words of wisdom and dukan advice again.
yes very quiet over hear xxx
Gosh I forgot to crank up my diary! So used to (rerere)restarting in January, I really ought to simply post my last year's January words!

My weight is now the highest I've seen in 10 years which is pretty frightening to an ex-heifer. I can really see how easy it would be for me to go straight back to the 140K+ weights I once graced. Once I start overeating, my behaviour is so ridiculous it's untrue. I think of food round the clock, and seem to be chewing at a similar rate. Meals lose their focus, I prefer not to see people (as I'm wasting valuable eating time), and I take to the sofa with food and the remote control!

I read in Sarah's thread that she barely moved over Christmas, and it's just the same for me. What's that all about? Walking is something I love doing and it makes me feel great! Why oh why do I consider it a waste of eating time when I'm off on a bender?!

So day 1 of restart no problem as ever. I really ought to stay on Cruise for life as it seems to be the only way I can control my hand to mouth function (who am I kidding? I overeat on Dukan too, just that it doesn't have the same effect on my weight!).

So, bursting out of my size 16 trousers (which I bought last Christmas "in case"...), here goes.

Aim is to get to Conso for a change rather than simply using Dukan as a quick fix in between holidays! Grrrrrr!

Happy New Year to all. I'm happy to be back in safety on Dukan and already feel so much more chirpy and happy! DUH!
Oh we must be related - that is me all over and more than ANYTHING I do not want to return to twenty stone!!!! I do think that I will follow a very similar path to you with the struggle to be 'normal' instead of over eating on Dukan or binging on forbidden fruits!!!! It is my aim however and I can do it I know I can!!!! LOL!
I don't think there's such a thing as over-eating on Dukan, is there? Whilst I've not been 20 stone I have been bulimic so I know that I too have a seemingly limitless capacity to eat. My 'Conso' is really a healthier version of Cruise, with unlimited fruit and veg, 2 slices of wholemeal bread and a small amount of cheese every day. On Sundays, if we have a roast I allow myself a little stuffing and gravy. I've started adding nuts, seeds, and humous occasionally but have no intention of eating the likes of pasta, rice and potatoes regularly ever again. I have eaten dark chocolate but don't touch puddings, cakes or biscuits. Some days I stuff myself silly but I don't eat anything outside of my list of 'alloweds'. I find I can manage like this and I don't appear to be putting on weight. Whether I can stick with it for ever though remains to be seen - it could be me returning to these boards with my tail between my legs next new year!

Really good luck, Maintainer. Fill your boots while you're on Attack and Cruise then you can start worrying about how to behave around other food-groups later. xxx
Good luck Maintainer, you will be right back in no time, wish I could say the same for me! I am such a slow loser and not nearly as brave as you to boot, don't have the nerve to weigh myself after this last month. :( Will be watching how you get on with interest Good luck again.
Very glad to see you back and feeling positive on the D! :) x

I was also starting to struggle with my size 16's and in a confident 'I'm never going back there again!' way.. I had given all my bigger clothes to charity! So nothing to wear but its given me added determination to get smaller. ;)

Good luck!!! X
I don't think there's such a thing as over-eating on Dukan, is there?

I feel there is in that, often, I eat way beyond the "I'm full" message just because it's there; or I've planned it... sometimes when I see what other people eat in a day, I'm aghast at everything I've stuffed in!

"Hunger" isn't something I deal well with (so forgetting my breakfast muffins at home was SO not a good idea). I had some "Dukan biscuits" in my drawer just in case but, knowing they have tolerated ingredients in, I didn't cede, had early lunch and now am eyeing my right arm again with relish wondering whether to bite in now or later!

Roll on dinner when I get home!

Thanks ladies!