IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

if only that were the case, as we're cold most weekends in the house and I never lose weight weekends!
BMI of 19 & stalling !!!! What a fruit loop !!!
Friday and weigh in a little better but boy those grammes are hard to budge these days. I'm walking to work (4.5 to 5km) each day as usual, and 100% on Dukan with few tolerateds, so can't really do any more. (I cut out ham and cottage cheese the past four days, so I'll keep vigilant on that score.)

I saw my GP last night for a general check up and arthrosis prescription renewal and he again lectured me on my egg consumption <roll eyes>. I suppose I should lie, but... I have very high HDL cholesterol (the good sort) and, when I asked him why (and queried that surely that counters a "on the limit" LDL cholesterol reading, he said that comes from my walking (and he reluctantly admitted that yes it did help. (Is that right, do any of our medics know? I thought it interesting that walking, or perhaps it's regular exercise, that increases our good cholesterol!).

Anyway he's sent me away with a diet sheet which I will review with glee! They're usually priceless (last time, it was a slanted badly photocopied of a version of the Mayo diet, with a couple of meals whited out!

I stick with him cos he's a good GP, not alas for his nutritional / dietary or eating disorder wisdom! I've yet to find a GP with any or all of those qualities!
Poor man questioning your food knowledge, that was a school boy error on his part!!! LOL! Jo 2 lbs down doesn't sound to shabby to me!!!!
2lb is a good loss xxx my Dr. supports my Dukan journey but would like to see me a stone-stone and a half lighter........egggggggghhhhh lol my bmi would be ???????????????? stupid, he goes of a out dated chart xxx Have a cold but lovely weekend xxx
How are you getting on, Jo?
Hello ladies - all much the same. Putting in the effort and not getting anything back on the scales this week! booooo!
It's been quite a week. At the end of last week, our previously almost speechless kitten became more eloquent and started making herself heard. I thought it was part of the growing up process but last weekend, when she wee'ed on the sofa (grrr!) and started howling, I realised that she might be on heat! Google told me she was once I could get to a computer, so I set about bringing forward her spaying appointment from Easter week to this weekend, and cancelling our weekend away in Le Touquet meeting up with friends from the UK on 16th weekend, as she'll be getting her stitches out then. The poor thing (5.5 months old!) doesn't know what to do with herself and keeps us and the other two cats awake at night wailing! (If anyone in my 20 floor building has an unspayed Tom, they're probably awake too!!).

Also our spare TV in the country is giving up on us. (We have two TVs running two digiboxes so as to be able to record UK TV on BBC and ITV during the week then dub onto DVDs for viewing the following week back in the city. Sad perhaps but, until you've lived with French TV, you can't imagine!).

Anyway, my husband was entrusted with the task of buying a new spare TV (which we never watch as a TV, just record off it so no need for it to be top of the range or anything). He did call me at work to double check before making his final choice, and I could hear how excited he was at the thought of a 42 inch 3D LED TV... so that's what we'll now use as main TV in the country, the previous main becomes a spare, and the spare goes to the tip...

Right, miss technophobe here has just realised that this 3D TV is going to be useless without (is it) a blu ray player... and some 3D DVDs... the former is cheap, the latter are not!

There is a moral to this story. Don't send a man unaccompanied to buy a TV!

Any advice/comments on your experience, if any, with 3D TV? For now, it'll just be used to watch normal TV on but what's the point of having those glasses in a drawer unused. I feel we have to now go the whole hog and get equipped!

Good luck Jo with the TV, at one time you just went out and bought a TV plugged it in and ................ now its a mine field with A level requirements to choose - LOL. Have a good weekend and hope the little lady cat is OK
I literally don't even know how to turn our main tv on! There are 3 remote controls - one for the tv, one for freeview box and one for the dvd/video player - and I think you have to use a combination of the first 2 but whenever I touch either of them I just get snow! Thank God for my little portable in the bedroom.

Hope kitty quietens down soon. And naughty scales, not playing the game! xx
Ha ha that is sooooo funny Jo - your poor hubby - guess you are gonna have to equip yourself now!!! Ignore those scales - you know it isn't about losing the weight more about maintaining control of our eating habits!!! That's what I TRY to do when the scales are playing silly games! I have been weighing daily since the op but am gonna stop now and go back to weekly ones! Loving my PV day today!
Poor baby girl cat, tough for her and all around her.... Hope the spaying goes fine and recovery is quick and she quietens down!!! x
My sons had a 3D for the last year and wow Im impressed. Queens xmas day speak was in 3 D this year lol how the world has changed
Ah but the irony is that we'd not see even the Queen's speech on 3D as we watch UK TV via a (non 3D digibox) in France rather than terrestrial UK TV... so our only chance to actually use the thing is to buy ridiculously priced DVDs. (Of course we've ordered two otherwise what's the point?!!)

Scales show a loss today!!!!! 100g from last Friday... whoopydoooooo! One difference this week is that I've not had lunch out at a restaurant yet - doing this today - this usually helps with any (ahem) transit issues, so here's hoping!!

So wish me luck tonight... on arrival in the country, only 2 of my 3 (indoor) cats can eat... and the 8 odd strays who we feed outside will have to be smuggled food too. And no food can left out overnight tonight for any of my cats. They'll probably complain loudly half the night.
have a wailing weekend lol Jo ...... as for the TV adventures dont go there we shipped an english tv over here to find it wont tune through the telly so had to buy a freeview box and it cost more to ship than to buy a new one out here .....
Here's hoping ref more weight going where they went!
The 3D TV is amazing, I have to admit. I didn't need or want one, but we watched 5 mins probably of a deep sea documentary and it was fabulous!
Poor Maxie was not impressed at our having her spayed and indeed spent Saturday evening cowering in fear in a corner. We left her alone to come to us, but she didn't until midway through the night. By which time she had triumphantly removed (and eaten??? cos we can't find it anywhere) the dressing on her wound. I'm back in the city, having left my hubby and cats (and 3D TV!) in the country relaxing together!
Strict menus planned for the week because I have been known to lose the plot when alone (duh!).
aww poor puttytat .... im sure she will recooperate just fine .... leaving hubby with a 3d tv , you didnt want any work done around the place did you lol???
I once had a cat spayed & I left her unattended - meaning I fell asleep. When I woke up she had removed the stitches & had a gaping wound. She need up having it stapled. Hope your cat is well on the mend x