Hello ladies - all much the same. Putting in the effort and not getting anything back on the scales this week! booooo!
It's been quite a week. At the end of last week, our previously almost speechless kitten became more eloquent and started making herself heard. I thought it was part of the growing up process but last weekend, when she wee'ed on the sofa (grrr!) and started howling, I realised that she might be on heat! Google told me she was once I could get to a computer, so I set about bringing forward her spaying appointment from Easter week to this weekend, and cancelling our weekend away in Le Touquet meeting up with friends from the UK on 16th weekend, as she'll be getting her stitches out then. The poor thing (5.5 months old!) doesn't know what to do with herself and keeps us and the other two cats awake at night wailing! (If anyone in my 20 floor building has an unspayed Tom, they're probably awake too!!).
Also our spare TV in the country is giving up on us. (We have two TVs running two digiboxes so as to be able to record UK TV on BBC and ITV during the week then dub onto DVDs for viewing the following week back in the city. Sad perhaps but, until you've lived with French TV, you can't imagine!).
Anyway, my husband was entrusted with the task of buying a new spare TV (which we never watch as a TV, just record off it so no need for it to be top of the range or anything). He did call me at work to double check before making his final choice, and I could hear how excited he was at the thought of a 42 inch 3D LED TV... so that's what we'll now use as main TV in the country, the previous main becomes a spare, and the spare goes to the tip...
Right, miss technophobe here has just realised that this 3D TV is going to be useless without (is it) a blu ray player... and some 3D DVDs... the former is cheap, the latter are not!
There is a moral to this story. Don't send a man unaccompanied to buy a TV!
Any advice/comments on your experience, if any, with 3D TV? For now, it'll just be used to watch normal TV on but what's the point of having those glasses in a drawer unused. I feel we have to now go the whole hog and get equipped!