IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Gosh Jojo, amazing! My husband has strict instruction to keep an eye on the uncovered wound, which she proudly reveals when she stretches out in front of the log fire. It's looking good, I'm told, and she's been running around chasing the other two, and even clambered onto his lap last night so I'm hoping our loving cuddly kitten is still there somewhere (the other two we have are still pretty wild - they tolerate us but no one else and have never been on our laps so it "was" such a joy to have a friendly kitten for a change!)

Yesterday I (stupidly?) attended a colleague's birthday lunch and ate "normally" (ie what I was given at a Japanese restaurant - dishwater soup, a couple of yakitori kebabs, 4 salmon sushi, bowl of white rice). It was lush! Getting home last night without buying cr*p was a feat. There was a strike and demonstrations everywhere, so I walked partway meaning I had to pass all sorts of treats and temptations. Each shop front beckoned to me, and I started running scenarios through my mind as to what I could buy and eat without anyone knowing as I was to be alone at home...

I made it home empty handed... I think that was totally in the head because, although out of ketosis granted, I didn't have any cravings before I realised that fact on the way home! Go figure!

Plenty of protein consumed, scales avoided this morning, and onward...
Come on Jo you gotta live sometimes - for people like us who constantly battle with food -a 'normal' meal has to happen sometimes - totally proud to hear that you didn't then binge and got home in one piece - always the tricky part of any unexpected meal!!!!! WELL DONE and glad to hear the poor little kitten on the mend!!! Bless her!
So well done for not using the 'normal' meal as an excuse to eat all sorts of other 'crap' afterwards! I had a similar experience last night: my son played in a violin concert and all the families had brought food and drink for a 'potluck' supper afterwards. I ended up having savoury muffins, roasted nuts, honey-mustard sausages and salad, with fruit salad and rum-soaked, dark chocolate covered figs for pudding, all washed down by a glass of red wine. I did eat a piece of brie when I got home, but didn't go mad and I'm sure no damage was done in the scheme of things. Good to do these things once in a while - proves you can eat normally and you won't instantly put on weight PROVIDED you don't let it derail you. xx
I kept away from scales this morning just in case as a bad weigh in can trip me up! In fact, I think I'll not weigh for a while actually just in case!
can understand you staying away from the scales ....im thinking snails pace on drops ..... leaps for mankind on gains ...well for me anyway

Yes Jo , I know exactly what your saying about home alone its more dangerous !!!!!
Well that was an expensive bowl of rice, methinks!

I'm looking forward to heading to Burgundy tonight on the train to rejoin my husband, two cats, and little one who's recovering well (but still doing the odd wee where she shouldn't! aaaah! this never happened before she went into heat, and I hope it stops soon!)

<reposting from elsewhere> Last night I defrosted something I made months ago and forgot. Muffin/galette recipe with goji berries and cinnamon cooked in a flat silicon square dish, cooled, cut in half like a victoria sandwich cake, and sandwiched back together with a little philly xtra lite. Then cut in small portions and frozen! YUM!

Rain forecast virtually all weekend, so I'll have to be clever to get a walk in if ever I see a clear break. My 5-7K fast walks are essential to keep my head in gear!

Looking at my signature weight, I'm probably going to make the switch and do my own thing from Sat 23rd. We've a weekend away with English friends visiting the North of France, and I think I'll return to the city to a meat/fish and salad/veg + fruit/0% yog thing. Emphasis on the protein, yes, but fruit each day which I miss a lot! I can make an apple last half an evening!

Bon weekend!
my little one (last week - before operation!

awwwww how cute xxx those eyes xxx
and the two freckles on her nose! they used to be pin pricks, when she was tiny, but now they're huge!
All going fine here. I had a good weekend (despite OH's antics - he's eating whatever he likes at the moment, aka carb heaven, and he "kindly" offered to share his fresh crust with me! grrrr! then got stroppy when I bit his head off! haaaa!).
Yesterday I had lunch organised with a friend but, because of the snow, she arrived late and didn't have long. We popped into a salad bar and for the pricely sum of €11, I had spinach leaves, two blobs of protein, and some beetroot. Rip off! I was glad to get back to the office to demolish the chicken and yoghurt I always have in the fridge "in case"!
It snowed all day yesterday here - I've never known this since living here and Paris is a mess! We've always joked watching news reports at how in the UK a few snowflakes cause chaos, but Paris is no better! We're used to having it in the country where they are prepared and equipped. Now minus 7°C so it'll have frozen nicely and my snow boots are in Burgundy boooo!
Scales being friendlier this week, but I won't share in case they turn mean again by Friday!
Not much better here with the weather jo... I was rudely wakened by an electrical snow storm just after 6 I'm blooming shattered
Sorry to but in on your thread here but I just wanted to say ive really enjoyed reading it! Im just about to start on the 'Dunkin' diet and really want to avoid paying the £300 to sign up officially as Im broke, so its either sign up and not eat or do it alone and buy the food! Although, after re-reading that, im propbably gona do better if I pay to sign up and then cant afford to eat!!!

Anyhow, your banter and stories are inspirational and I hope it will get me off to a good start!
Thank you wanna be and, funnily enough, I've just posted on your thread on the main board suggesting you don't join the official website, but join us here rather for free... I'd be happy to help out where I can!

I took the metro all the way to work yesterday and almost broke a leg twice on the slippery pavements and steps! One of my bosses did fall over on the way (wish I'd seen it) and was limping all day. Another colleague had an accident skidding into a kerb at 5 miles an hour, and his wheel now faces the side instead of the front! Last night was fine getting home... but it's looking icy out there again now, so of course my thoughts turn to NOT walking to work (so that I can read my Kindle... am reading "19 minutes" by Jodi Picoult and I can't put it down!)
Scales still loving me... fingers crossed...
I join husband, 3 cats (and 3D TV) tomorrow night and we'll all return to Paris Sunday evening (well perhaps not the TV!). Then, theoretically, just one more week on my beloved Dukan diet before trying "real life" dieting again. I can't recall now whether I've mentioned it, and would lose this post if I went back to check, but I've friends coming over from the UK to rent for a week near Le Touquet and we're joining them the weekend of 23/24. I will move to Conso type food for that weekend, eating fruit when I would otherwise vaccuum up vast quantities of... anything really! I've been telling myself I miss fruit, not having had any since before Christmas, so I shall call my bluff. Fruit it is, lady!
Once back at work on 25th, I plan to do PV each day but one, fruit each day but one, and the odd carb (to be eaten in company only). We'll see. I usually fall flat on my chubby tum as soon as I stop Dukan dieting but I need to retain some normality...
Oh exciting days Jo - everything crossed for WI tomorrow - weather sounds atrocious but everything else looks grand!!! Hope you have a lovely snuggly weekend in the country!!!! Never know you might get snowed in!!! LOL! xx
good luck for weigh in Jo, Fruit is such a miss xxx
you're right there Siddd but I was missing it when I went home for Christmas and the only fruit I snuck in was of the Terry's chocolate variety! haaaaa! I know I can't live this way eternally though and, although there might be fluctuating scales initially, I'm hoping once the water weight is back on, it'll be downward loss again without the huge fluctuations. Fingers crossed.

75.0K today so the lowest this year, but it's been slow going these past few weeks given the effort!

The snow and ice are history and the weather is warming up nicely (to probably another weekend of rain, booooo!). Still it'll be great to see hubby and cats again!
Happy wkend to all
Yes Good luck with phase two. Its finding the balance that we can 'live' with long term You have a super weekend, rain snow and all xxx
Loving the lowest low for 2013 - keep going Jo!!! Agree with above - GOOD LUCK with the next phase - know you will keep posting to let us know how it is going - enjoy your fruit - oh I miss it too!!! Glad the weather warming up - it is here too though the dreaded rain is back - GRRRRRRRRRRR! Have a fab weekend with hubby and kittys - hope little one is over her surgery and back to normal! x
Hoorah, well done Jo! You've reached my target weight :)

You've done so well sticking with it!! V impressed :) x