Back to the city, and normality has resumed...
Sunday end of day, starting to pack up our toys before returning to the city with our three indoor cats, I realised that the younger crazy one hadn't been seen for a while. No real worries as the house is large and, knowing that I'd closed several doors in the morning, knew she wasn't behind them at least... Nearing our usual departure time, having figured out where the two older ones were slumbering (we have to be cunning as, if they see their cages come out, they have a tendency to make a run for ... oh behind the sofa, under a bed, you name it) we set about tracking Maxie down. Each room was searched, separately, by each of us. I even checked the washing machine, dish washer, cupboards in the kitchen (as I'd opened all when emptying dish washer!)... nothing. Realising how unusual it was for her not to be around for oooh four hours, as she usually can't stay still for long, panic started to rise and we aired our fears. What if she'd snuck out when we were taking the bins out/feeding the stray cats/putting things in the car. Not being able to be 100% sure she hadn't, out we trooped. Zero degrees, dark, up and down the road we went calling our baby's name. Nothing. No sign of any strays either - all her family members so my hubby tried reassuring me saying that she was most likely camped out for the night with them in a barn somewhere. Scant relief.
Hubby offered to drive me back (3 hours) to the city and return. I couldn't conceive getting in the car without her. So we drove 45 mins to a TGV station, bought me a ticket for the following morning, and returned hoping upon hope to find her waiting for us in the front garden. But would she know her way back? She's not been outside since she was six weeks old! I was feeling sick (and not only for all I'd consumed that day!).
As we backed the car in, my eyes searched the garden for a white splodge. There was one, but smaller and younger than her. I know the strays by sight as we feed them all when we're there! No sign. I unlocked the door with a heavy heart... and there she was! Impatient for her dinner!
This will remain a mystery... where the heck was she that two of could search the place several times over, separately, and not have a slightest clue. Hmm...
Mucho relievedo...
Diet? Hmm. Obviously back into week day mode now so all is well... my clothes are now decidedly tight. Dukan before Christmas wouldn't be clever so I'll hang in there.
I've noted lots of disappearances too. It is a shame. Chatting about trivia is always an option!