My weekend: well... I didn't tell you guys before, so as not to mess things up in my head, but I had an unavoidable event Sat evening. A mulled wine and nibbles annual village event which had been put back from its usual Friday evening to Saturday purely so that "les anglais" could attend! So, yes, a night off was always going to happen but I didn't want to build it up, not even in my own head, so as not to then lose the plot on the lead up days or thereafter.
My plan worked like a dream. I bought loads of chicken, salmon, two sizes of fresh prawns, grey shrimp... made a huge pot of home made chicken soup (that's another story - tooth extraction tonight AAAHHH!)... and cooked up enough stuff to feed an army should we get back from the event and fancy carrying on the eating/drinking. We didn't. End of. All went like a dream.
So PP yesterday as planned, no worries, and this morning's weigh in showed a decent loss. Obviously a lot of water loss there, and maybe it could have been a larger loss still had I not had a night off Saturday, but I'm glad to have attended... so... tonight... tooth extraction AAAAH!