Morning all,
Everything still going swimmingly. If I had one criticism of myself, it would be my unfailing need to push treats to the limit at the weekend, particularly Sunday night! I'm still enjoying summer fruit from the market (and neighbours' trees when invited to go and pick) and so I'm eating far too many, and then adding in my usual treats too). Over the week, when I'm far more strict, it all comes out in the wash so to speak which would probably equate to a loss if I didn't behave so badly at the weekend! (Less) Food for thought!
My fitbit/walking obsession continues. I regularly walk 80km total in the week (to and from work, weather permitting) plus weekend hourly walks too. I walk fast so cover the distance relatively quickly. If ever anyone accompanies me, I feel I've not had a proper walk!! This activity is obviously helping with my calorie burn too and helping me get away with my weekend excesses. Something someone like me will push to the limit of course.
Meanwhile it's such a joy to have my entire wardrobe at my disposal. Actually half of it is now too big (but I won't make the mistake of getting rid of things AGAIN! Far too costly to replace endlessly!!). I just look at the items in disgust and horror at the thought that they used to fit me! Another "tactic" which seems to help me at the moment. Whatever floats one's boat!
Onward and offward ladies!