IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

If you have access to Spotify on your PC or Phone or Ipad - they have some great workout playlists.

I just stick one of those on for a walk... or when I was at the gym, I used to set myself targets - two more tracks of cycling, one more track of walking etc.

YouTube is also good... you can even search for 'Workout Mix' and find stuff : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ASwmOsE3Ug - 75 minutes of uplifting tunes to bounce around to!
Great ideas thanks! I love walking with my ipod on but I'm concerned that I'll ease off in the winter when it's too dark weekend mornings when I'm at the country to head out at my usual 7am for an hour's stomp so that it doesn't impact on my plans for the rest of the day!
Well, I for one would like a picture of the miner's hat / pepper spray outfit, Jo!

Hi Jo :wave_cry:, was just sneaking around seeing who was still here, very impressed with the sensible losses, they make more of an impression listed like that - well done!
Hellooo there. It's true that, when I saw my GP last week, he weighed me and remarked that I'd lost 7k since I last saw him. He asked what I'd been doing. I responded that I'd stopped dieting!!
Back from a week's holiday in the country... I use the word "holiday" lightly here as it really didn't go to plan as OH tripped over the doorway on day 2, fell heavily onto the tiled floor, and broke/cracked/whatever several ribs... I'm vague as to what he did as he refused to go to A&E or see a doctor! I'm glad I was there though as he really was very immobile and in intense pain (relieved slightly by painkillers which he finally accepted to take on day 3! ex soldiers are the worst patients!!).

I went off for my hour power walk each morning and only lost the plot foodwise two days before returning so the weight/mental damage caused thereby is somewhat less than usual. Still, old habits die hard and overeating beyond the ridiculous will still be my favourite occupation given half the chance!

Back to "normal" now and off for the first hour's power walk of the day... I try for two hours per day now, walking to and from work with detours! While the weather is with me that is...
Oh no Jo how awful for oh x how is he now?
He's still in quite a bit of pain but is glad to be back on his feet again, albeit doing most things very gingerly... He's a lot more cheerful too (thankfully!!).
I've found the switch back to eating greenery quite easy and, while I'm more attentive to the delicious smells wafting out of boulangerie doors as I walk past in the morning, my feet don't walk me in there so all is well. I remember when I weighed 22 stone and started out on this big campaign ensuring I never had any money on me so as not to be tempted to buy stuff! How we have improved!
Your stats are amazing Vicky... I haven't dared weigh myself yet but I will do on Friday cos there's no point kidding myself!
That's good news on oh and for you not giving into temptation xxx heads off to check stats
Feeling brave this morning, I leapt on the scales. 0.9K up. I'll take that one on the nose and consider it calories well spent!
Ooh not bad! It soon comes off. It's the continued eating that we can't and shouldn't do !
Hi Jo

How are you doing?

Just popping in to say hello and hope all is well - is hubby feeling better now?

And congratulations on the addition to the family - you are a gem for taking the poor little kitty in.

Hello there and lovely to see YOU! I'm doing rather awfully well :) My weight is good and I'm sticking at using My Fitness Pal religiously to keep me on the straight and narrow (often spending hours searching for my "treats" in their database!). I'm still walking lots with the fitbit but the weather has been grim this week and I've fallen foul of the rain three evenings and one morning so far!

Little Trio is now king of the household and the other three tend to keep away as he is very boisterous and always wants to sleep where someone else has warmed it up, and will do whatever it takes to take the other cat's place! He'll be spayed in a month and we're hoping for a more relaxed foursome from then! Otherwise he's a joy and manages to race around incredibly well with the three legs. He limps more visibly when he walks actually. Thank you for asking! (OH found two stray kittens in our garden yesterday which their Mum, a regular visitor, has brought us... what a nightmare!)

Hubby is doing better, although had a bad day Wednesday and was in a lot of pain. It'll be three weeks on Sunday since his fall, but his ribs are obviously mending as I now hear him cough and sneeze (then yelp!) which he was avoiding doing before!!

Have a good weekend to all :)
Me again - well I errr hit my revised down target weight this week which mystifies me totally (but yeah this walking certainly must be the key cos I'm certainly not undereating!!). I am now finding a problem with my wardrobe that I've not had in years (ever?). Despite the numerous sizes, aside from two persistently tight pairs of trousers, nearly everything is too big! That is strange as, suddenly, size 12 is too big yet 14 wasn't big enough not all that long ago. I seem to have skipped a size somewhere having barely worn those clothes! Weird! Anyway I guess it's merely a question of different centimetres shifting as I still see blub... and of course excess skin (but that's par for my course given the big weight loss previously).

So ever attentive - I see SUN and summery temperatures for us in Burgundy this weekend, YAY! Happy to be joining my hubby and cats at the house tonight.

Happy weekends to all
PS - any and all fitbit friends welcome - just pm me your ID. It's so motivating checking each other's step counts!! Nothing else is shared, fear not!
Wow jo so you are a ten? That's amazing :). Have a lovely weekend. Who knew healthy eating and exercise was the way forward ;) x
Skipped a Size.... What a lovely phrase...definitely the walking/exercise... The first time I did dukan I remember I got a bit fed up & I took the whole of November off, but I carried on with the daily exercise...and I didn't put on an ounce, and eat what I liked!!!

Well done...nice excuse to buy new ones :)

Gosh no, not a real 10. Perhaps now that sizes have increased in the shops I might get away with some, but I meant that I skipped 14 in my winter wardrobe... and some 12s are big. Others tiny.
I'm the same jo. Some 14s still fit ok and some fall down. I think I may have stretched some !
Hello Diary,

I had a busy social week last week, with visitors (dinners and lunches out) and registered a 700g gain. It's probably a good thing as I really was getting away with quite a lot of treats at the weekend and would soon have been in my previous strict week days / binge weekend situation had it carried on. I need to learn NORMAL EATING whatever that is!

So I've avoided cutting right back this week, as that isn't the solution to this issue, and I was out for dinner last night and have a lunch out today, so I had fewer treats last weekend. I'm walking loads still (80km last week - it's amazing how it all tots up with the Fitbit counting every step). I take public transport to work Monday morning and from work to the train station on Friday evening, but otherwise walk everywhere. 16km yesterday, to give you an idea!

I'm coming home for a short trip on 8 November which will be a real test. OK I won't kid any of you that I intend to diet in England. That just won't happen. What would be a result would be if I could just stick to MEALS... and not have all the rubbish in between meals that I usually end up buying and consuming (often hiding things in my bedroom etc so that no one thinks I'm greedy! grrrr!). So my rule will be. If you want it, eat it in public in full view of all! And keep the walking up... even though it's dark even earlier in your country than here!

Weigh in surprising... :)