IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

Morning Jo :)
thats great news Kim x which reminds me im putting my measurements on fitnesspal now x
Me too! I am loving the new profile picture!

Guess what though - yesterday I didn't even think about cheese - must have got it out of my system!! I do like those choc bars though - on offer on Boots!! I do limit to one per day though. (Probably why I'm not losing much!!) Have a big bag of curly kale to have some of today - I love curly kale!
Hello Vicky! And great weigh in! :)

Thanks Jacq. I feel pretty bulky at the moment to be honest. When large, I prefer to hide under big baggy thing and don't really LOOK at the problem areas (or even feel them...) so I really do have issues with being overweight now.

I'm positive because I feel in control... and this control gives me confidence to realise that, if I stay in ketosis, I can get to my (raised) target weight again. So all I have to do is cling to ketosis for dear life "and just say NO! as the saying goes!"!
Hey mouse... what does curly kale taste like? (I can't say I browsed much in the fruit + veg counters while in England!!) I saw Vicky was eating rocket. Can't bear it. Actually I don't like any "posh" lettuce - just iceberg! Is kale like cabbage though? I like cabbage! Can you have carrots on Atkins?
I think carrots are a no for atkins. Kale is like strong cabbage, lucky atkins-ers can have it with some bacon and butter, sigh.
Hey mouse... what does curly kale taste like? (I can't say I browsed much in the fruit + veg counters while in England!!) I saw Vicky was eating rocket. Can't bear it. Actually I don't like any "posh" lettuce - just iceberg! Is kale like cabbage though? I like cabbage! Can you have carrots on Atkins?

Yes Kale is like a strong cabbage. I just like it steamed - never tried with butter. Carrots are a no. I am trying to get my head around it all really, why some things are a no in one diet and a yes in the other, yet we stay in ketosis. Would cheese kill me with Dukan and would yoghurt knock me out of kilter with Atkins. It all seems to be a very fine balancing act. Could I have an atkins choc bar on dukan if say I went without my bran? Would the bran really knock me out of ketosis with Atkins? How can I eat unlimited butternut squah on Dukan but only a few grams on Atkins?
Hello Vicky! And great weigh in! :)
have you been on fitness pal??? not official till tomorrow

Curly Kale is yum. I cook mine in a little oil then let it crisp up goes like crispy seaweed at chinese. I got some cavolo Nero from tesco last week (was on offer) that was delicious too. Yes im a huge cabbage fan.
have you been on fitness pal??? not official till tomorrow

Curly Kale is yum. I cook mine in a little oil then let it crisp up goes like crispy seaweed at chinese. I got some cavolo Nero from tesco last week (was on offer) that was delicious too. Yes im a huge cabbage fan.

I adore my greens too. I have been on fitness pall but not for a week or so. I'm hoping my new books and my new WII EA fitness game will arrive today. I could happily eat the greens and nothing else!
yes me too. you can have a lot you know. The bags of kale you can have half a bag and thats not even 5 carbs. cups are rubbish.

I meant Jo on fitness pal re my weight LOL
I love these musings... how I wish doughnuts were ok Dukan (something somehow I managed to miss having while in UK recently, while I adore them! where was the doughnut van parked?!!)...

As you say, Manda... a very fine line. Atkins is lower carbed on induction than Dukan and many stay on induction to target, I believe. So it's oatbran or Atkins! I like carrots too unfortunately, and grow my own, so... and cos I don't care about cheese... except the odd 30g as a "gratin", I can live without it quite happily favouring retaining my muffins.
Catching up - Vicky sorry no, I meant the weight you told me last night in the PM I only read this morning! I'm living slightly out of sync with your life and, because I thought you were a Thursday weigherinner anyway, I thought I'd just got an early preview of the weight!!

I'm now a Monday weigher. (YIKES!). Never wanted a Monday weigh in (you all know why) so decided it's what I MUST have. hihi!

Yum Jacq... the ones from the vans are fab... served hot... and you can get a bagful without looking (too) greedy!
I have a Monday WI and I have often hankered after a Friday but have stuck with Monday, and by the time it comes around I am kind of glad I haven't gone mad over the weekend.
ah Thanks Jo :) this morning was 6lbs down from last thursday - should have weighed in then!
yes im back to friday weigh in ;0)
6lbs down from last Thursday is amazing!! In one week! Fab!

When back in "real life", I'll go to Fridays... cos I did stabilise for 3 years that way... and if I have to take up smoking again to do it again, I'll simply stick a plastic ciggie in my mouth when I'm hungry. Will be a good obstruction if nothing else!
Not weighing in at all? Ever? I honestly find it very motivational when I'm being strict like now (and it can even help keep me on the straight and narrow!). It's the manic daily weighing I want to stop. I had a peek this morning, cos I'm an addict, so hopefully that'll help my FIRST ketosis weekend in ooooh MONTHS! I have menus planned and, feeling the way I do right now, am sure it'll be a doddle... (else I'm gonna have egg on my face Monday! setting myself up for a fall? Dunno! I usually head into a weekend feeling defeatist before I even get there so this is a new confident feeling!).
keep that feeling and hold it tight... i shall be waiting to hear of your sucess on Monday
great feeling Jo. Keep it up over the weekend. Ive lost 8lbs since last thursday! i know a lot water thats why i officially weighed in on sunday/monday.
You going to your piece of paradise this weekend Jo?