Hi Everybody!!!
Thanks for your words of encouragement Misty. I got my t.o.t.m today so think thats 1 of the reasons feel so crappy.
Feeling a bit better today. Just logged on and the support has given me the strength to carry on

- cheesy!
Cold? Yes!
Im here at the moment with the fire on, the heating on, a vest, tshirt, jumper and hoody!!!!!! I always feel the cold so as you can imagine im effin freezing!
I have a wedding in June so have been looking at the dresses in Coast to inspire me. Please God I will be a 14 by then.
Anyhooo tried the vanilla with 2 tsps coffee 1 sweetner and a pinch of nutmeg - WHAT A DIFFERENCE! It actualy was nice or else I have finally coverted to one of those who actualy like the shakes - hmmmm
Anyway keep up the good work girls and frig any1 who decides to lecture you on the diet being no good. Anyone who has said that to me has been a skinny runt who never had to diet in their life and havent a clue what they are talking about - so there -rant over
Overall though my friends and family have been amazingly supportive:tear_drop:
They all know Im not a happy bunny and know how much it means to me. Its great to have them.
Anyway I just want to be a size 12 as I am asize 18/20 at the moment and cant even look at myself in the mirror. So this needs tobe done for my self esteem as well as my health. Its great to have found you guys as it does give me the incentive to carry on
Anyhoo I think Ive rambled on enough - soz if Im waffling
Take Care Everyone and Keep It Up ( The lipotrim not the weight!!!! lol)