If You Are Doing Lipotrim Please Post Here And Tell Your Story!

I am on day 6 of my first week. I can't believe i'm saying this but i'm glad to be back at work after the long weekend - it was so hard at home. I'm busy at work so it's much easier.
Can't wait until my weigh in tomorrow.

Hi all this is my 3rd day now and i so need food:party0051:hope this gets better,i have a horrible taste in my mouth and i have bad breath is this normal ? the kids are off school this week and its so hard,please help:talk017:

know the feeling

Hi tilly mint,
I know that feeling all 2 well i am on day 1 of trying to do LT for the 3rd time this month i always give in on day 3. The breath, that is awful do you know if it gets better i am really conscious of it. Dont give up go back on it tommorrow. I keep thinking of it like smoking i tried to stop so many times and cracked around day 3 but eventually i did it and haven't had one now for 9 months so i am hoping that the LT will be the same
good luck x
Hi All

Just a quick heads up to say good luck to everyone here - I'm about to start the LT diet on Saturday (the only day I can get weighed) - I've tried all sorts of things before, with varying success, but this is my last diet beofer I resort to surgery. Anyway - I'll load up my photo as soon as I get a wide angle lens :)
28th May 2008 - 18st 3lb and counting...
Hi tilly mint,
I know that feeling all 2 well i am on day 1 of trying to do LT for the 3rd time this month i always give in on day 3. The breath, that is awful do you know if it gets better i am really conscious of it. Dont give up go back on it tommorrow. I keep thinking of it like smoking i tried to stop so many times and cracked around day 3 but eventually i did it and haven't had one now for 9 months so i am hoping that the LT will be the same
good luck x

The breath gets better! Or it did for me. Don't give up...hang in there! Honestly you will be soooo glad that you did when you see the lbs falling off! If you are finding it miserable around day 3 or so.....paracetemol, hot water bottle, water, dvd, bath and bed!!!! Stuff housework and family and kids!!! They will all still be there in week 2. Once you get into it, it gets soooo much easier!;)
Hi All

Just a quick heads up to say good luck to everyone here - I'm about to start the LT diet on Saturday (the only day I can get weighed) - I've tried all sorts of things before, with varying success, but this is my last diet beofer I resort to surgery. Anyway - I'll load up my photo as soon as I get a wide angle lens :)
28th May 2008 - 18st 3lb and counting...

Welcome! This is a fab diet! Stick with it and post here when you feel you are weakening. Honestly the lbs fly off. I have lost 2 stone in 5 weeks and there are plenty of people that have lost more!

Once you have your weigh in after the first week you will be soooo encouraged by the results!

This site is great to get you past the few minutes of temptation! When family are eating, neighbour is having a BBQ and the smell is wafting over the fence, when the cats dinner starts to look appetising!!!;)

You can do this! Good Luck!
Hi everyone, this is my first time on the forum, great to see so many people doing well on LT, normally all I hear is people slating it. Well I started it last August and have lost 7 and a half stone at this stage, still have 1 and half stone to go. Unlike most people on here (from the posts that I've read at any rate) I only do TFR for two weeks at a time. Every time I've done it for two weeks I've lost a stone. I then do the re-feed and then maintenance for a few weeks and then back to the TFR. I find that for me, this has been the best approach. It's meant that I've been able to keep the weight off after going back eating but obviously I've completely changed my eating habits. As for side effects, thankfully I've been ok. The first time I did the TFR I got pretty bad mouth ulcers after a week and had to get antibiotics but the doctor said it was just that the TFR was such a shock to my system. Makes sense, considering I went from a few thousand calories a day to a few hundred! Have had no further problems since then. I'd recommend it to anyone who has a serious amount of weight to lose, in fact a few of my friends have also gone on it after they saw the results I got and are doing great on it as well.

Im new to this site so Im not sure if anybody will get this message. My name is Kathy and I am on the Lipotrim Diet. I started last Oct '07 at 19st 6lbs and I am now 15st 7lbs... yes it good but at the moment Im struggling....I did a refeed in April for a family get together and I put quite a bit back on but I started again on 18th May and lost 1st 4lb in 10 days.... I have about another 4st to lose... but all I can think of at the moment is food !!!

Well done to everybody I have read about and photos Iv seen.. Im going to Ibiza in August so I need to stay on it till then I hope this site will help....

Thanks for reading this..
hi kathy thats great to hear. your so determined thats what keeps me going reading about people like you. im am only a beginner. day 4 and im starved but determined. i have 4 stone to loose so im gona try my best. not very happy with how i look. any advice on constipation. im takin fibre clear but its not working. do you exercise and if so what do you do. again great work. your an inspiration to us all
Hi everyone, this is my first time on the forum, great to see so many people doing well on LT, normally all I hear is people slating it. Well I started it last August and have lost 7 and a half stone at this stage, still have 1 and half stone to go. Unlike most people on here (from the posts that I've read at any rate) I only do TFR for two weeks at a time. Every time I've done it for two weeks I've lost a stone. I then do the re-feed and then maintenance for a few weeks and then back to the TFR. I find that for me, this has been the best approach. It's meant that I've been able to keep the weight off after going back eating but obviously I've completely changed my eating habits. As for side effects, thankfully I've been ok. The first time I did the TFR I got pretty bad mouth ulcers after a week and had to get antibiotics but the doctor said it was just that the TFR was such a shock to my system. Makes sense, considering I went from a few thousand calories a day to a few hundred! Have had no further problems since then. I'd recommend it to anyone who has a serious amount of weight to lose, in fact a few of my friends have also gone on it after they saw the results I got and are doing great on it as well.

Hi and welcome
Hi Fatnfedup.

I'm starting Lipotrim again AGAIN tomoro. I am so fed up of starting and restarting and then binging for five days and restarting for two or three and binging again. I really need support tomoro. I have spent hours seeking help online and I hope I can get the support I need here and be supportive to others here. Help please

hello everyone, i'm getting my first ever supply tomorrow and can't wait. i'm so excited....:gimi:
it's great to read of so many people doing so well, i only hope i can post the same kind of results as you all, im in for the long haul so i'm going to get me a little ticker and a nice page.
aaarrrgggghhhhh.... i really can't wait.
Hiya Ibskinny

Good luck on this tomoro. Just remember to drink lotsa water and water and water. Getting thru' the first 4 days is an event but once there, its a buzz as you will really see the results so quickly. I restarted today. I had great success last year but got cocky after Christmas and just fell into the binging habits. I've been trying since to get thru' a full week, no cheating so that I can gain control again only to fail in the evening. I am going to do it this time becos I am not going to be a fat chick this summer, no way!!

It was a lifeline to have a support forum for me and everyone was so good and supportive - it was part of the reason for my success. Hopefully this forum will be the same for you and me! I'll come on every day I can and read and just digest the success and the challenges and that is how it helps. I'm happy to be of support to you too. Good luck tomoro

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say helloe. Looking for info on LT from other dieters. I am only on day two. Not finding it too difficult except for the taste of the shakes. I am on strawberry only. Seemed like a good idea at the time. ANyway, maybe next week I might try the coffe ideas. Sounds ok.

Can't wait to weigh in at the end of the first week. I'll try and set up one of those trackers so you can have a visual.

Good luck to everyone who is still on it.

Thanks all
Hello and Welcome everyone. After day 4 it really does get easier and after 1st weigh in!! Wow you wont believe the motivation buzz you get! I came on here every hr I think last wk and it really got me through, everyone is loverly and will give you a boost seeing everyone elses losses and just think in a few weeks time you will have the same. Good luck everyone x Sal x
Hi all,

Hope you dont mind me joinin in. I am starting lipotrim tomorrow and could do with all the support I can get.

I did lipotrim about 2 year ago and lost 3 stone in 8 weeks and felt fantastic, needless to say I regained all of it back within a matter of months and a bit more (all my own fault). Anyway I tried many times within the last 2 year to get back onto lipo but my body seemed to know what I was going to do to it :cry:

So I have given myself about an 8 month break from the last time I tried and I am determined this time. I feel if I have somewhere to come and bash out my day to day symptoms etc and somewhere to log onto when I am struggling I think I might get there this time.

Hope I am posting in the right thread to get this support, if not then I would appreciate if someone could direct me to the right thread for people who are just about to start.

Thanks guys :D
I have another awful pharmacist story.
I figured out that if I go on a Wed I can ask the nice girl to weigh me instead but the mean one is still there! Last week was fine, she just told me to do more exercise. But this week I had a small weight loss-3.5lb and I said discretely to the girl who was weighing me that my TOTM was due. Then of course the mean one came up, and said "How'd you get on?" and i replied "It was small, but I think it'll be bigger next week" and the lil wagon announced, in the middle of a busy pharmacy "OH! Something to do with your period??" I just grabbed my weeks supply n left, trying to maintain dignity.
OMG Guenevere, what a *****!!!!!! My pharmacist is lovely, which really helps, if I had a ***** like that I think I'd have given up by now!!!!

Hang in there and think how good it will feel when you reach your target! Is she a skinny minnie? She obviously gets her kicks out of belittling others, you could just gather some good oneliners to throw back at her! I'm sure others on here could give you some.

Pink, how has your first day gone? It'll take a few days before you go into ketosis then things will be easier. We are here to help you through the first few days. Whenever you feel like you can't cope, pop on here and there will be someone around to pep you up.

Good luck.

Ah, I think it helps a little,because I know I will get no sympathy if I stay the same or lose less than 2lbs. I drink n drink n exercise as much as I can. I hope it's a better weight loss next week.