If You Are Doing Lipotrim Please Post Here And Tell Your Story!


Hi there Restarting Lipotrim again today.Have a bad head cold but going to try really hard to stick to the shakes.Really need some support.I have gained 3st I previously lost on lipotrim.First time round I found it easy. this time it's tuff.Jillian
My Lipotrim story ..... so far

Hi all, my name is Adrian (31 years old, male) and I've now been on Lipotrim for just over 29 days and lost 14 kilos. I began my diet at 115.3kilos, am now around 100kgs and my target is 80kg. Whilst I was never massive, I was obese and wanted that to stop.

I've been reading all your stories, so I thought it a good time to start contributing myself as I have benefited so much from reading other peoples stories. I recognise that I’ve not been on this diet too long, nor lost a massive amount (compared to some of my heroes on this site) but hope that someone finds my experience interesting and helpful to their weight campaign. I also write this entry as an outlet for myself (like a diary entry). Most of my friends, colleagues and family believe I am stupid to be on this diet so I often feel quite unsupported and isolated. No one seems to understand how I feel, how I want to be and the hardship that this diet entails. I guess, only time will tell whether they or I are correct.

I started the diet after a holiday to New Zealand when my weight became an issue. It was affecting my life. The flight was painful as my jeans dug into my belly on the 36 hours of travel, putting the tight travel socks on required plenty of huff and puff as I struggled to fit them on. Then I was prevented from doing the activities during the trip such as the bungee jumping, aerobatic flying and horse riding due to the weight restrictions. It was clear that something needed to be done.

Back home, my weight was making me really depressed to be so unfit and large. Obviously clothes no longer fitted and shopping for those clothes became harder. I could no longer look at myself in the mirror and hated being referred to as 'big man.' Whilst everyone at home likes the way I am / was ... ' cuddly' and 'teddy bear' like - I hated myself.

I knew I was better than what I was displaying to the world. In my earlier years I had always struggled with my weight but had always been active with some success in quite a few sports and was always quite adventurous. However, as the pressures of work (school teacher) overloaded me and as I lost my drive to achieve, I ate, worked and put on the weight forgetting who I formerly was. I became the person I didn't want to be (lazy, fat and directionless). As I hated myself, I couldn't see how anyone else could like me either. This is of course especially with regard to attracting the opposite sex. My self esteem / confidence had dropped so much and I’m a shy person anyway with regards to women. So I felt unlovable, unattractive and doomed to single life. Whilst this is still the case, I do feel a lot better and more confident in myself.

So, whilst I'm not at my goal yet (in both weight and direction), I feel I'm making good progress.

When I began the lipotrim, I continued with a few sachets I had from an earlier attempt (when I lost about 2 stone but stopped too early for it to make enough of a difference to my life). I had also tried and failed the lipotrim about 3 times previous where I would go on for a day and then talk myself out of it. I consequently only had a few sachets left. After I successfully completed 3 days I managed to get a repeat prescription from the doctors for a further months worth of shakes for which I will finish this week.

To accomplish this diet I have set myself a strong structure which I feel is sustainable post lipotrim. I wake early and weigh myself daily. I know most people advice against this, but I love it. I look forward to the regular and instant satisfaction or if I put on weight which I have bizarrely done twice now, it motivates me further. I then plot the weight on a excel spreadsheet. This is the heart of my weight loss programme. This spreadsheet plots my loss on a graph, calculates my average daily weight loss (0.48kg a day (I recognise that this will inevitably slow down) and it even predicts how many days till I should reach my target weight if I were to continue at that average daily loss. I have given myself up to Christmas to be on Lipotrim which is 115 days however it is really motivational to know that I may achieve my target early. The spreadsheet is really important to me as it allows me to quantify in time and weight what I have done and still need to do. If anyone would like a copy of it, email me and I’m sure I can send it on to you (it’s nothing special but so useful to me).

After I've weighed myself and I have my first shake of the day (strawberry shake), blended, lots of ice and made up with 2.5 pints of water so afterwards I'm full. I also have a multi vitamin tablet.

I then walk to work which takes 45minutes, then begin classes. At first break (remembering I'm a school teacher) I have a Berocca dissolvable tablet and then at second break I have a Vitamin C dissolvable tablet. I don't know if either really helps (or whether I should have them), but I like the structure of it, they're refreshing, something to look forward to and it replaces my packed lunch.

At work my energy levels, mood etc. have been fine. I walk around everywhere with a sports water bottle and the sheet mouth fresheners.

After work, I walk home, have my second shake (chocolate) then try to do some exercise. I either go to the gym (which I'm slowly building up from just 20minutes to now 1.5 hours), or play hockey, go surfing or just do something other than vegetate on the sofa or work. This weekend I did a rather strenuous twenty mile walk along the northern coast of Jersey (where I live) which certainly made me huff and puff (plus ache).

At the weekends, I still go out with the boys be it to bars or restaurants. I'm fine just watching them eat and drink. Whilst the smell and idea is attractive, I just think of my weight graph and look forward to seeing my weight drop that little bit more (plus the satisfaction I'd feel to have ignored temptation). The only food I ever really get drawn to is my nemesis - take away pizza, 12 inch, all meat with chips and cheese - I crave it so much yet know it is the reason I am in the state I am now.

I have also begun colonics. The idea of a pipe being stuck up your backside by a stranger frightened the hell out of me. But I thought I should do everything I could to achieve my goal, so I booked an appointment. If I was going for a clean inside which Lipotrim attempts to do, I thought that this would benefit too. It was good. I look the attitude of no shame when I arrive, followed the instructions and watched the contents of my colon flow down a tube. I go again tomorrow as apparently I’m 'blocked up' and 'full of gas.' It seems to work by the warm water melting the scum attached to the 1.2m of colon and through pressure and gravity washing it out. Whilst I feel no massive benefit yet, and does cost £65 a go, I presume it is doing some good in making my body and maybe absorbtion / metabolic rate better.

I don't generally feel hungry but the diet dominates my life. It dominates my thoughts and lifestyle. I never want to quit but do think of it. I've started researching the re-feed programme and it daunts me to change from what is working. I don't want to eat properly again through fear of putting it all back on. I have also looked into going on Atkins as I know this works in similar ways (ketosis). I do know that whatever I do, it will be harder than what I am doing now. I know that I have to change my 'normal' lifestyle and from now on be far more aware of what I'm doing and eating.

So, I think that is all now. I’m sorry to have ranted on. I just know that I would have found the above story interesting and maybe even useful as I did when reading all your inspirational stories. I have certainly found it useful to write to you all and tell you how I am.

I have some way still to go till I reach my personal aims and weight targets and hope that I'll be able to write once more on this forum to proclaim my victory over my belly.

Thank you for listening and I wish you all luck.
has anyone found their weightloss slow dramatically? i on week 3 and in week 1 and 2 i would have lost about a kilo and a half by now, but my weight hasnt changed at all :( I know its supposed to slow a bit but I havent shifted 1lb. I was only planning on doing this for 5 weeks and refeeding on the 6th but to be honest if I'm only gonna lose a few lbs in those weeks Id rather refeed next week and save myself from 2 extra weeks of torture. anyone have any advice or words of encouragement?
Hey, AdiRoberts, could you send me through a copy of that Excel SS please matie? ;)

dslater04 (at) gmail (dot) com

Im from Jersey aswell btw! =)

If you are doing Lipotrim or have done it we would be delighted to hear from you.

One of the things I feel that is sadly missing on forums is that those who have lost the weight no longer post very often if at all and I think their experience of how they found the diet and got on afterward would be very valuable for others who are either starting their journey or on it at this time.

As a help and support site which is made up of people like you and me we need people who are willing to give a few minutes of their valuable time to pass on their experience.

Love Mini xxx
I agree. I have done LT last year lost 3 stone. Gained it all back again. if there is anyone who have any quiries on LT I would be happy to tell them what I know and my experiences.Jillian
Ok - so I'm new to this site and to LT (which I had my first shake this morning - although at this very moment my tummy is rumbling!!!) I am feeling optamistic about it and really wont to loose the excess weight I have gained since having my children 4 years ago. In total I'd like to loose 38 - 40lbs.

I just wondered if there is anyone on here who has any feedback on the refeeding programe as to wether or not it works? I have read a few stories of people putting the weight back on, but is there anyone on here who found it successful? I'm determind to keep the weight off (once i've reached my goal) and eat healthly and excercise.

Part of my reason for choosing LT is that I have a very unhealthy approach to food, although I cook regular healthy foods for my family and me - I also gorge on chrisps and chocolate - often missing breakfast and sometimes lunch. I am hoping that LT is going to strip me of all my bad habbits (or addictions as I think they are) so I can start a fresh. can anyone else relate to this??

Good Luck to everyone!
Scatty xx
Hi scattyk i can totally relate!!! My problem is having the time to sit down and eat! I'm a single mother to one child but time really is such an issue isn't it!?! I tend to grab food on the go or forget to eat then i'm starving! Normally i end up having dinner around 8 or 9pm! I hope Lipotrim will help to fit into my hectic life-style at the mo and eventually help me to get into a proper routine food-wise (8.30 breakfast - 1 lunch - 5.30 dinner)!!!! Apparently it takes 30 days for something to become routine!
Well good luck anyway :)
I'm at home in my parents house and I went rifling through some old clothes and found 3 pairs of trousers iv not worn in years (about7 years if not more) and decided to try em on :rolleyes: first one, got them closed :D but there was still an unfortunate amount of "muffining" :( they'll fit nicely when i reach target :cool: the other 2 fit perfectly, currently still wearing a pair :D I'm so chuffed so I decided to rifle more and found my public speaking dress from 4th year (size:14) it fits! :eek: even manage to squeeze into my older sisters size 12 one and it didnt look half bad! :eek: :D:D:D:D I've only got 1.3 stone left to lose and I'm so glad I decided to stay on LT til I reach my target! Wooooohoooo! I love LT!!!!
Ok - so I'm new to this site and to LT (which I had my first shake this morning - although at this very moment my tummy is rumbling!!!) I am feeling optamistic about it and really wont to loose the excess weight I have gained since having my children 4 years ago. In total I'd like to loose 38 - 40lbs.

I just wondered if there is anyone on here who has any feedback on the refeeding programe as to wether or not it works? I have read a few stories of people putting the weight back on, but is there anyone on here who found it successful? I'm determind to keep the weight off (once i've reached my goal) and eat healthly and excercise.

Part of my reason for choosing LT is that I have a very unhealthy approach to food, although I cook regular healthy foods for my family and me - I also gorge on chrisps and chocolate - often missing breakfast and sometimes lunch. I am hoping that LT is going to strip me of all my bad habbits (or addictions as I think they are) so I can start a fresh. can anyone else relate to this??

Good Luck to everyone!
Scatty xx
hi skatty
dont worry about the refeed now,you have plenty of time to research your new eating habbits,i did lt a few months ago,i came off it in may,and since then iv only put 4 lbs and thats because i had loads of special occasions in a 2 week span,leaving partys,birthdays the usual,but i mainatained until 2 weeks ago,am back on lt again to shift the rest of my weight,your eating habbits will completely when you come off this diet,as does you palate,its great,you wont be craving half as much stuff as you used to so dont worry,keep at it and drink water:D
Adrian you inspire too

Hi all, my name is Adrian (31 years old, male) and I've now been on Lipotrim for just over 29 days and lost 14 kilos. I began my diet at 115.3kilos, am now around 100kgs and my target is 80kg. Whilst I was never massive, I was obese and wanted that to stop.

I've been reading all your stories, so I thought it a good time to start contributing myself as I have benefited so much from reading other peoples stories. I recognise that I’ve not been on this diet too long, nor lost a massive amount (compared to some of my heroes on this site) but hope that someone finds my experience interesting and helpful to their weight campaign. I also write this entry as an outlet for myself (like a diary entry). Most of my friends, colleagues and family believe I am stupid to be on this diet so I often feel quite unsupported and isolated. No one seems to understand how I feel, how I want to be and the hardship that this diet entails. I guess, only time will tell whether they or I are correct.

I started the diet after a holiday to New Zealand when my weight became an issue. It was affecting my life. The flight was painful as my jeans dug into my belly on the 36 hours of travel, putting the tight travel socks on required plenty of huff and puff as I struggled to fit them on. Then I was prevented from doing the activities during the trip such as the bungee jumping, aerobatic flying and horse riding due to the weight restrictions. It was clear that something needed to be done.

Back home, my weight was making me really depressed to be so unfit and large. Obviously clothes no longer fitted and shopping for those clothes became harder. I could no longer look at myself in the mirror and hated being referred to as 'big man.' Whilst everyone at home likes the way I am / was ... ' cuddly' and 'teddy bear' like - I hated myself.

I knew I was better than what I was displaying to the world. In my earlier years I had always struggled with my weight but had always been active with some success in quite a few sports and was always quite adventurous. However, as the pressures of work (school teacher) overloaded me and as I lost my drive to achieve, I ate, worked and put on the weight forgetting who I formerly was. I became the person I didn't want to be (lazy, fat and directionless). As I hated myself, I couldn't see how anyone else could like me either. This is of course especially with regard to attracting the opposite sex. My self esteem / confidence had dropped so much and I’m a shy person anyway with regards to women. So I felt unlovable, unattractive and doomed to single life. Whilst this is still the case, I do feel a lot better and more confident in myself.

So, whilst I'm not at my goal yet (in both weight and direction), I feel I'm making good progress.

When I began the lipotrim, I continued with a few sachets I had from an earlier attempt (when I lost about 2 stone but stopped too early for it to make enough of a difference to my life). I had also tried and failed the lipotrim about 3 times previous where I would go on for a day and then talk myself out of it. I consequently only had a few sachets left. After I successfully completed 3 days I managed to get a repeat prescription from the doctors for a further months worth of shakes for which I will finish this week.

To accomplish this diet I have set myself a strong structure which I feel is sustainable post lipotrim. I wake early and weigh myself daily. I know most people advice against this, but I love it. I look forward to the regular and instant satisfaction or if I put on weight which I have bizarrely done twice now, it motivates me further. I then plot the weight on a excel spreadsheet. This is the heart of my weight loss programme. This spreadsheet plots my loss on a graph, calculates my average daily weight loss (0.48kg a day (I recognise that this will inevitably slow down) and it even predicts how many days till I should reach my target weight if I were to continue at that average daily loss. I have given myself up to Christmas to be on Lipotrim which is 115 days however it is really motivational to know that I may achieve my target early. The spreadsheet is really important to me as it allows me to quantify in time and weight what I have done and still need to do. If anyone would like a copy of it, email me and I’m sure I can send it on to you (it’s nothing special but so useful to me).

After I've weighed myself and I have my first shake of the day (strawberry shake), blended, lots of ice and made up with 2.5 pints of water so afterwards I'm full. I also have a multi vitamin tablet.

I then walk to work which takes 45minutes, then begin classes. At first break (remembering I'm a school teacher) I have a Berocca dissolvable tablet and then at second break I have a Vitamin C dissolvable tablet. I don't know if either really helps (or whether I should have them), but I like the structure of it, they're refreshing, something to look forward to and it replaces my packed lunch.

At work my energy levels, mood etc. have been fine. I walk around everywhere with a sports water bottle and the sheet mouth fresheners.

After work, I walk home, have my second shake (chocolate) then try to do some exercise. I either go to the gym (which I'm slowly building up from just 20minutes to now 1.5 hours), or play hockey, go surfing or just do something other than vegetate on the sofa or work. This weekend I did a rather strenuous twenty mile walk along the northern coast of Jersey (where I live) which certainly made me huff and puff (plus ache).

At the weekends, I still go out with the boys be it to bars or restaurants. I'm fine just watching them eat and drink. Whilst the smell and idea is attractive, I just think of my weight graph and look forward to seeing my weight drop that little bit more (plus the satisfaction I'd feel to have ignored temptation). The only food I ever really get drawn to is my nemesis - take away pizza, 12 inch, all meat with chips and cheese - I crave it so much yet know it is the reason I am in the state I am now.

I have also begun colonics. The idea of a pipe being stuck up your backside by a stranger frightened the hell out of me. But I thought I should do everything I could to achieve my goal, so I booked an appointment. If I was going for a clean inside which Lipotrim attempts to do, I thought that this would benefit too. It was good. I look the attitude of no shame when I arrive, followed the instructions and watched the contents of my colon flow down a tube. I go again tomorrow as apparently I’m 'blocked up' and 'full of gas.' It seems to work by the warm water melting the scum attached to the 1.2m of colon and through pressure and gravity washing it out. Whilst I feel no massive benefit yet, and does cost £65 a go, I presume it is doing some good in making my body and maybe absorbtion / metabolic rate better.

I don't generally feel hungry but the diet dominates my life. It dominates my thoughts and lifestyle. I never want to quit but do think of it. I've started researching the re-feed programme and it daunts me to change from what is working. I don't want to eat properly again through fear of putting it all back on. I have also looked into going on Atkins as I know this works in similar ways (ketosis). I do know that whatever I do, it will be harder than what I am doing now. I know that I have to change my 'normal' lifestyle and from now on be far more aware of what I'm doing and eating.

So, I think that is all now. I’m sorry to have ranted on. I just know that I would have found the above story interesting and maybe even useful as I did when reading all your inspirational stories. I have certainly found it useful to write to you all and tell you how I am.

I have some way still to go till I reach my personal aims and weight targets and hope that I'll be able to write once more on this forum to proclaim my victory over my belly.

Thank you for listening and I wish you all luck.

Such a lot of the above refers to me Adrian. I hope you know that by posting your story you inspire too. I also feel a bit unsupported by family & friends as most think the diet is too full on. For me like you I tend to be quite exact about it & I also like to keep a record & to step on the scales & see that change is amazing.
Good luck & very well done on all you are beginning to achieve.
Adrian I really enjoyed hearing your story as so much of it rang true for me.
Your story inspires too as at times I feel a bit unsupported by friends & family who think cutting out food is too full on but for me I think that only helps. Meal replacements are never easy but I hope to get there this time & knowing others understand what I'm going through means a lot.
Very well done to you.
Hello all!

I've been pootleing around reading your stories and info, its been very useful and motivating, thank yous! So thought I'd sign up and say hello!
I've been on LT (I believe that's the street term for Lipotrim!) for 2 weeks, this is day 15, and have lost 22 1/2 lbs, which naturally I'm very pleased about.
The first week was nasty, but seem to have got into it now, and fortunately most people around are quite encouraging. A few are a bit concerned, but I say that if there are any 'issues' with doing LT, they are far outweighed (quite literally) by the benefits of loosing weight.
Apart from staying focused, the only gem I would look to pass on is in regard to the sticky (for want of a better term) subject of constipation.
I was getting quite constipated earlier this wek, and a friend recommended nettle and peppermint tea, this seems to have worked a treat, which I'm very pleased about.
Anyway, that's about it for now. Thanks again for all your shared wisdom

Hello to you all :)

I have struggled with my weight all my life, but looking back at old photo's i don't appear as bad as i thought i was :D Tried all the diets, and lost about a stone and then piled it all back on and more

I started the LT diet a week ago today, and have just found this fantastic forum. I had never heard of it till last week. I am so pleased with my weight loss so far!!!

It is hard at times, the shakes are not a problem, its my addiction to food that is :sigh:. At times i am going along great and then other times I am dreaming about food.

Fortunatley for me i drink caffeine free everything, so didn't suffer the headaches etc.

I weighed in on day 5 of my diet and had lost 8lbs, and have lost a few more pounds since.

I tend to have my first shake in the morning, then don't have one until i get home about 4 or 5 and then one about 9 pm, as i don't like them unless i have put them thru the blender. Do you think i am giving enough time between the drinks?? I don't want to throw off my weight loss.

I wish i had heard of this diet years ago
Hiya Fizzy Fish,

Glad to hear LT is going well for you.

When I started LT I did something similar to you, had one before and two after college. I eventually bought a shaker which I adored, never blended a shake again, and then I 'ate' at 8am, 1pm, and 6pm. The change had absolutely no effect on my weightloss, but I found my cravings were greatly reduced.

Best of luck!

as you no it is hard ,but u did it 1nce you can achieve it agen,just think how great u felt when it was ova,im on my 4th wk & still find i av the odd bad day(WELL A FEW )BUT I NO ITS GUNA B WORTH IT.SO STICK WITH IT U CAN DO IT.the only way to predict your future is 2 create it
Something I tried today that I found nice was to make a black coffee and add the vanilla LT try it cos I only bought the one vanilla as I dont like it but as a coffee what a difference!!!
Something I tried today that I found nice was to make a black coffee and add the vanilla LT try it cos I only bought the one vanilla as I dont like it but as a coffee what a difference!!!
I split my vanilla pack in half, have one vanilla coffee for breakfast and one later in the afternoon. It helps to break up the day and feel like you are eating more.
hey guys hope ye all all keepin well ,im 21 from ireland and have been doin lipotrim for 7 days now !!
its been really really really hard and im not over usin the phrase really lol ...
iv another few months to go and i hope i can stick it as the results are amazing !!
this forum is a god send id die without all your stories and motivations ...
hope your all keepin well and losin that weight as fast as possible...
have a great new year
Hi Everyone,
Been reading through some of the posts of the diet.
I've been doing this diet now for 11 days. And I'm finding it rather difficult.

I did the lipotrim diet when I was 15 and leaving Highschool and when I did it then I do remember it to be quite easy. However when coming off the diet was the time when I was out clubbing and alas eventually put all my weight back on.

I started the LP diet again on new years day, as it's now time for a change. I am very overweight and I'm sick of abuse being hurled at me walking down the road whilst I'm with my son. It's also time to loose the weight and fit in to some nice clothes.

However this time around I'm finding it really difficult to do. It's not that Im hungry at all on the diet. I just want things all the time. lol.
I also think that because I make the dinners in the house for the family it is also making it even more difficult.
I've lost 2inches of my waist in the first week which I thought was really good. But the scales in the pharmacy have been broken so I've been unable to weigh myself and see what my starting weight was and how much i've lost which has been a bit demotivating. I think I need to invest in some scales at home.

Anyway sorry about the rant, I just know everyone else here knows how hard it is. And when I say it to my husband he dosn't quite understand. He dosnt love food as much as me lol and only weighs about 10st.


Im a 22 year old guy from Ireland and I have always had a yo yo for a waist line (it goes up and down alot). I made some half assed attempts at lipotrim in the past managing 12 days once.

I am currently on day 7 (I re started on 5/01/09) and so far have lost 16lbs. I am delighted with myself. I started at 16 stone and am now 14 stone 12 lbs. My aim is to get to about 13.5 stone and then refeed and start weight watchers. I am usually very cautious about what I eat, i just let myself go over the last quarter of 2008 as I was working 12+ hours a day.

Here is hoping I can get through it!