Hi all,
Well I've sat for the past few hours reading through all the stories, I'm on day 5 of LT ... and for the first time this week I slipped and ate - Felt so stupid afterwards.
I've not felt 'starving' but later at night I do tend to get hungry, and have tried to ward this off with water - but then I'm up all night wee'ing lol it is hard though, and clearly so easy to slip, I just hope I haven't ruined it all now
A little about me, I'm 22, have been on/off diets since I was 16 - always been big. Started this year at 16st 6lb - but with WW & Reductal & splitting from an X! I managed to get down to 14st 6lb. I got weighed in with LT on Monday night and was 14st 9lb, so I'm going from there. I'm 5'8 so lucky in a sense, as weight spreads a bit better, but my goal really would be 13st - that would be fantastic.
I came across LT from a friend (male) who lost 5 stone in only 3 months earlier this year - I nearly dropped down when he sent me a new pic of himself - AMAZING!

He's been great so far this week, like a little guru for me lol. I am sorta struggling, I just wanna get to Monday night now.
I thought I'd posted this last night on the end of this thread, but didnt realise I'd actually started my own thread, not just a reply. And looked this morning to find a few comments about my slip up.
I completely agree there is no half way with LT but it is SUCH a drastic change, and I just lost it for that second. I dont wanna feel like that all the time, and I still feel stupid now (was last night that I ate) I'm back on track this morning to get myself back into Ketosis. Have been on the water, and had my first shake at 10am (bit later than normal in the hope it would help ward off hunger) currently sat here feeling OK, but sods law my TOTM has just appeared so thats just lovely! Luckily I'm not generally a craver more so during this time
Am hoping to keep up to date on here as some really good inspiration, I need and WANT to do this, I just gotta get my backside in gear