But that makes it even better, we are doing it for ourselves (which is enough, cos we put enough pressure on ourselves without the men gettin onboard!)
Hi Lipotrimmer. I would personally really recommend going to weight watchers to get educated about calories in food and to get their points calculator, it's super useful. Also I would highly recommend a book by Paul Mc Kenna about weight loss. It's really simple things but it allows you to eat WHATEVER you want as long as you follow 4 simple rules. I would say stay on this great diet until you have lost every pound. Maintaining is a whole different story to losing I would imagine. Ok well best of luck and don't break it! it's sooooooooo not worth it! Good luck!
Happy 2008 every one.
I started Lipotrim on the 14th of November 2007, and managed to to go from 19.8 stone to 17.10 stone by the 22nd of December which is great.
Needless to say I enjoyed my christmas holidays and only put up 2 pounds.
I am back on Lipotrim since Monday the 14th of January 2008, so three days and I feel great.
I weighed in @ 17.10 stone, and planning bo down a stone by the end of the month. Is this possible ?